Chapter 34 - Daughter?

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There was a huge light that flashed, blinding everyone for a minute.

There was a huge light that flashed, causing me duck my head down and close my eyes. And, in the place of where the flash of light there was a beautiful women. Her hair was white and long, very long. She was wearing a serene expression. She had on a white dress with accents of moons that sparkled. I finally figured out who she was and bowed low.

"Daughter, you don't need to bow to me." The Moon Goddess grabbed my hand and brought me to my feet. "Your mother and father served me well. They are happy and are so proud of you. I will be with everyone on their journey. Do what you need to take care of this wolf who has forgotten my teachings. Go and serve me in this and I will keep my hand on you." The Moon Goddess disappeared in another flash of light.

I looked around at everyone. I knew my mouth was hanging open, my eyes wide. Did my mates meet her this way or in dreams? I snapped my mouth closed. "Well, that was new. How many of you feel as if we were blessed?" I asked, raising my hand and looking around to see everyone with their hand up, children included.

"Is this the same way she talked to you?" I asked my mates, voice quivering a little.

Zane and Blaine hugged me. "Yes, but most of the times in dreams. We felt as shaky as you the first time we saw her," Blaine answered me.

I started laughing with joy. I was happy with my mates, with my life, and with my new packmates. I couldn't believe the Moon Goddess showed up and blessed our actions. I noticed everyone was quiet as I laughed. I looked up with a huge smile on my face.

"Sorry, I was a little excited about our blessing. I know it made me feel better, what about you?" I explained, trying to quit my huge smile. I couldn't stop. I was worried about all these people but I trust the Moon Goddess to look out for us on our quest.

"She called you daughter," Lizzet commented, her eyes wide and her mouth gaping open.

"She meant as a daughter, not a daughter -"

"-no, she meant as a mother and daughter. She gifted you to your parents. So, in a sense you're her daughter," Zane explained, looking me in the eye.

I passed out. Fainted. Took a nap.

I came to from my faint and looked around. I saw my mates with their heads down. I finally croaked out, "Zane and Blaine, are you okay?"

They both looked up quickly and smiled. I could tell they hadn't slept but I didn't know what time it was. I looked over at the clock and saw it was seven at night. Damn, I wanted to leave out of here before eight. I watched my mates watching me.

"I'm okay. I was a little surprised is all. I promise."

Both of my mates took a huge breath. I watched as the tension left their holders. They were really worried about me. I mean, it's not every day you find out you're the daughter of the Moon Goddess.

I sat up in bed and swung my legs around to the floor, my mates hovering over me. "I'm fine. It was a shock to find out I was her daughter. But, I'm okay and we need to get on the road."

"Are you sure, Summer?" Blaine asked in a quiet voice as he softly hugged me.

I hugged him tight. "I'm fine. We need to figure out a way to make the rogues think we are still here before we leave."

"It's already taken care of," Zane told me, hugging me tightly to him as they both kissed my head.

"Let's get to moving. How are we going to leave without them seeing the buses and dune buggies?" I questioned my mates, rubbing my eyes to wake up from my unplanned nap.

"Through the underground tunnel attached to the toy room, of course," Zane commented, looking at me and smiling.

"Of course," I sarcastically said, laughing at our craziness.

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