Chapter 18 - Body snatcher

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A/N I wanted to say thank you for all my readers. You make me want to write more and more everyday. I love the comments and am thankful for the votes.

*************Warning - smut in this chapter. You've been warned.****************

I was, again, in the back of my own damn mind where Justice had thrown me. I was never going to let her out again. She always got me into trouble. Now, she was about to? I wasn't even sure what she was going to do, and that's what scared me. I knew our mates wouldn't hurt us but I didn't know what she would do with my body.

Bend me into a pretzel?

"Justice!" I yelled for like the billionth time. She was still ignoring me. I have never had any problems keeping her in check but she wasn't listening and I was worried I was losing control of her.

I was about to yell again, but then an alarm rang out. It was a blaring, ear splitting sound. I was yelling at my mates when the alarm cut off.

"Seriously? Now? I was about to have some fun," Justice said angrily.

I was thrown back into the forefront of my mind so quickly I was dizzy. "Nice, you little bitch. I'm so mad at you right now," I angrily told Justice.

"I wanted time with our mates too. You always get to have time with them," Justice said sadly.

"I'm sorry, Justice. I will try to remember you want time too. I didn't mean to keep you from our mates. Let me know when you're about to throw me out of my own body, please," I softly said. I felt awful. I hadn't meant to keep her locked away from them but I did. And, now I felt like a real bitch for my actions.

As I was talking to my wolf, I was following my mates to the front gate. We came around the corner and I gasped, running to a child on the ground. I check his heartbeat and his breathing. I detected none, quickly throwing me into rescue mode. I heard the parents scream and try to run to their son but Joe held them back so I could keep working on him. Just as I was about to give up, he took a breath and coughed.

His mother came running over, grabbing her son from me. "What were you told about the gate? You could have d-did d-die," she sobbed out to her son.

"He's okay now," I told her softly.

The father was upset, wanting to know how his son was electrocuted so severely. Screaming at Zane and Blaine. Uh-uh, wasn't going to happen. I walked over to the father and grabbed his arm, stilling his tirade. I handed him the big piece of aluminum foil and the fork that his son had with him, not saying anything else as I walked away.

"I'm sorry, Blaine and Zane. I was upset and didn't think about my words. I'm thankful for the added protection but I couldn't think of why it would hurt my son. I didn't think to ask the one question I should have been asking," the father said.

"It's okay, sir, we were wondering the same thing, knowing we didn't set it high enough at the bottom to harm any child," Blaine answered, waving the apology away.

I walked back over to the guys, getting a hug from the child's mother and father. "Let's head back to bed while we still can," I muttered.


Zane reset the alarm as we all walked inside, turning to me and asking, "Ready for bed?"

"Yep. I know Justice is looking forward to it," I answered, laughing at their red faces.

We all walked back into our bedroom and waited for Blaine to bolt the door again.

"Taking back control again, Summer, okay?"

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