Chapter 50 - Liar, liar

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I watched him walk to the front and all my mind thought was 'ooh-la-la'. I don't know how my mind works at times but the phrase fit for his walk and boy does he have the walk down. I don't think he knew how sexy he was, they both were.


I got up and got in line for the mad dash to the restroom. Everyone was trying to let me go before them but I wouldn't let them. I could wait, at least right now. I may need to take up their offer later but hopefully not. Plus, the children couldn't hold it. I wanted to make sure they went first. I was glad they were fast and it was finally my turn. I went in and did my business and washed my hands. I needed to brush my hair and teeth but I had a mirror for my hair. I would brush my teeth after everyone was done with their business.

I walked back up front and noticed my mates waiting on me. "What's up?"

Blaine answered, "We wanted to know if you wanted to eat outside with everyone."

I nodded and smiled. "I would. I love talking to everyone." I looped my arms through my mates as we walked outside, well, until we got stuck trying to go out of the bus doors together. I giggled, letting my mates arms go. I stepped out of the bus and waited on my mates. I looped my arms back through theirs.

"Go ahead and have a seat and we will get our breakfast, okay?" Zane asked as he helped me sit.

"Okay. Please let the ladies know that if they need help I will gladly help out," I told my mates as they nodded their heads.

Everyone was sitting outside quietly conversing with everyone. I knew they would be happy when they don't have to talk quietly. Werewolves weren't quiet usually.

"Here you go, Summer." Zane handed me a plate and bowl.

"Thank you, Zane. Where is yours?" I wanted him to eat too.

"Blaine is getting our food. He will be back right about now."

We all started eating, conversing with a few of our group. I had just finished eating when Avery ran up crying. "What's the matter, Avery?"

"Can you check me for bugs? Charlie said I had bugs," she cried out.

"Honey, I would feel if you had bugs on you and I don't feel any," I explained to her.

"Not those kind of bugs but real bugs," Avery whispered.

I knew she was upset and didn't want anyone to hear her. I went through her hair, her clothes, and anywhere else I could think of a boy seeing her bugs. "You don't have bugs, honey."

"Thank you, Miss Alpha."

"Would you tell Charlie I need to speak with him? Grab his parents too, okay?" She nodded her head and ran to get Charlie and his parents.

It wasn't but a few minutes that all three of them were in front of me. I started with Charlie. "Did you tell Avery she had bugs, Charlie?"

"No. I wouldn't do that to her," Charlie lied.

"My son said he didn't do it," Lizzet told me.

"Do you give me permission to find out the truth? You need to know for sure, right?" I asked. "I promise it won't hurt him."

"Do it," the father forcibly said.

I had a feeling Lizzet was protective of her son and the dad knew Charlie had lied. I placed a spell on Charlie. "Charlie, did you tell Avery she had bugs?"

"Yes. She wouldn't leave us boys alone. I wanted to scare her to leave us alone," Charlie explained as his eyes went wide and he slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Thank you, Charlie." I turned and looked at Lizzet. She started crying. I stood up and comforted her as the father grabbed up Charlie and walked off.

"I thought he would never lie. I told my husband he was too hard on him. Oh, Goddess, I owe my mate an apology. I'm sorry," she murmured.

I reached up and moved her hair out of her face. "You thought you were protecting your child. It's not on you but on Charlie. I could tell he was lying to start with but I wanted you to know. I think it's something an Alpha has. We know when someone is lying. It's nothing you did, okay?" I wiped her tears and kissed her cheek as she nodded, giving me a thankful look.

"I'm going to give my own justice to Charlie. I don't think he will like doing dishes for a week," she stated as I nodded my head. She went to go find her mate.

"You were so good with all of them. We love watching you with the children and the adults," Blaine told me, causing me to smile.

"Oops, I forgot to tell her Charlie wouldn't be able to lie for another week," I whispered, causing all three of us to snicker.

"It's going to be an interesting week then," Zane mumbled.

"Yes, it will be. I think Lizzet is going to have her hands full of punishment for Charlie. Hopefully, Charlie will learn to tell the truth by then," I whispered, quietly laughing at my mates faces. Their hands were over their mouths, trying to suppress their laughs.

"Time to load up," Blaine whisper yelled.

Everyone got up and started loading up on the buses. I was grabbed by my elbow but I knew it was Charlie's father. "Thank you, Summer. I've been trying to tell Lizzet for awhile now about Charlie's lying."

"It's okay. I knew he was lying but I needed to make a point. I hope he remembers this and will quit his lying."

"Oh, he will. Thank you, Alpha, for showing Lizzet what we already knew," he said as he walked off.

We loaded up and got ready to leave. Zane was still off the bus making sure we didn't leave anyone behind. I knew my mates had a count of everyone, making it easier for them to keep track of everyone.

Blaine gave me a kiss and seated himself in the driver's seat. Zane hopped on the bus and nodded at Blaine as he went and sat in my lounger and was out in a couple of minutes.

I smiled at Zane and kissed his cheek. I sat myself in the passenger seat and watched out the windows. I watched outside for a long time before I grabbed the jewelry kit. I wanted something to do with my hands and making jewelry sounded perfect. I decided I was going to make everyone necklaces.

I worked on the necklaces for a few hours. When I looked up it was already night time. My stomach growled the same time Blaine's did, causing both of us to laugh. I noticed a cooler beside us. I opened it and handed the sandwich and chips to Blaine. I guess he didn't hear anyone leave it but my guess was he waited for me to stop making the jewelry.

"You should have ate and not waited on me, Blaine," I scolded him as he shrugged his shoulders. "Did we stop for gas or anything?"

"Yes, we did. It gave everyone time to get a couple of sandwiches and eat them. I asked if they could put ours in the cooler," Blaine explained.

I shook my head and ate my sandwich and chips. I noticed Zane was awake. I got up and took his sandwich and chips, along with a drink, to him. I gave him a kiss. "Do you want to sit up front. I'm going to the restroom before there's a mad dash. I think we are about to stop for dinner."

"Sure. I need to look at the maps for a little while but if you want to sit in my lap I wouldn't mind," Zane informed me as he wiggled his eyebrows.

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