Chapter 8 - Getting to know you

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Another chapter, yay! I wanted to everyone thank you. Thank you for reading my story and commenting. It makes me so happy.

Please vote and comment. Your comments make me want to post faster, which I have. It makes my heart so full to see your comments. Thank you.

My mates and I were getting to know each other, asking questions, laughing at some of the answers, and getting comfortable with each other.

Out of the blue I asked the one question I was wanting to know. "In your old pack what rank were you. A beta, a gamma or a warrior?

My mates looked at each, then looked at me. Blaine told me, "We were supposed to be the Alpha, but our Aunt and Uncle wanted to help lead us more through our process - too bad it was a lie. They took away our title, told others that we didn't help defend them, and made us Omega's.

Zane took up the conversation. "What we went through was wrong but we couldn't fight him at the time. I will come back and kill him and my aunt, she's as evil as him, but I don't want the pack. There's bad memories for us there."

I looked down at my feet feeling a deep regret for asking them a hard question. It didn't matter to be what position my mates held. Hell, I don't even know why I voiced the question to start with.

"I'm sorry. It doesn't matter to me what position you held. I'm happy to have you two with me. I promise I will help when it comes time to kill your own bastards - what's another one to me?"

"You had every right to ask us for information. Don't be so hard on yourself, Summer," Blaine said.

Oh, my. When Blaine said my name I almost came undone. That man made me want to rub my thighs together, made me want something I wasn't  sure of. 

I didn't even know how to be seductive. But, I guess I was doing a pretty good job of it. I heard Blaine and Zane moan. A deep sound in their throats and I was again turned on more than before. I wanted them. I wanted them to touch me, take me where I was standing, teach me the ways of giving up my body to them and in return let me make them moan and suffer a little.

"Let's go get some food," my mates said together.

"What? Why?" I asked, not understanding what happened.

Matt and Seaun are in the living room. I want them upstairs, even though the room is soundproof. We have a lot to learn about each other and I don't want to be hungry, neither do you," Zane explained, while I pouted.

"Okay," I quietly said.


We walked into the living room, where the Matt and Seaun were. They were talking and cutting up. I wanted to see if, and when, they would notice us, but they seemed oblivious. We would need to work on this problem as soon as possible.

I walked up behind the guys, leaned down, and loudly said, "Boo!"

They jumped up, almost falling over each other, while I started laughing. I tried to quit but it was not happening. I couldn't believe they didn't know I was behind them.

"What the hell!" Matt yelled, as my mates growled at them.

"Good to see you two are paying attention of your surroundings, Matt and Seaun."

"You got us. We will have to work at not allowing someone to sneak up on us," Matt said. He was embarrassed. Mortified. It would not happen again.

"Matt and Seaun, are you hungry?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah," they said together.

Blaine had laid out steaks earlier, wanting to have them ready and waiting. He decided it would be good protein and Summer would need a lot of it. He was worried. He had never had sex before. He was saving himself for his mate, as Zane had. It would be good, right?

I walked over and grabbed the steaks, looking for spices. I finally found them in a slide out drawer that had so many spices. Half looked brand new. I grabbed the spices I wanted and started mixing them in a bowl. As soon as I was done I went and turned on the grill on the island. I had wanted to cook on the grill since I saw it. Now I could.

I took each steak and pressed them into the spices on both sides, dropping them on the grill one by one. After a few minutes we could smell the different spices mixing together. It was heavenly and I was glad my mother taught me her secrets.

My heart pained me at the thought of my mother. I couldn't believe she was gone or that my father was gone too. I missed them so much. I didn't realize I was crying until Blaine and Zane wiped my tears. I pulled myself together and smiled at them. "I'm sorry. I was thinking of my mom while I was cooking. Oh, shit! I forgot about the steaks," I yelled out. I looked at the grill and the steaks where gone. "Did I burn them?"

"No, we took them of the grill and made sides. You were crying for awhile. But, we knew you had to get them out. It's not good to hold everything in, except when it comes to the bastard," Zane quietly said.

Blaine pulled me to the table and sat me down in the middle of chair as they each took a seat next to me. They were so sweet, taking care of me, knowing I needed to cry. They  knew I what I was crying about because they had been through the same thing I had - loosing our parents. I was very thankful.

We fixed out plates and sat. Talking and teasing. It felt right and somehow comforting. Of course, Justice was going crazy in my head. She was very happy to be seated next to our mates. Her yipping was giving me a slight headache. But, then she started giving me very graphic sexual positions. I rolled my eyes internally and tried to tune her out.

Notice I said tried.

"Stop it, Justice. For the love of pete, stop it!"

"You need to learn, Summer. This is to help you with our mates. They don't have any idea what to do either. Their wolves told me that they have never had sex before. They have saved themselves for their mate. So, snap out of it."

I ignored her again. I was glad my mates had never had sex, it made it easier on me. I didn't have a clue and nether did they. So, we couldn't make mistakes, right? I was wondering if their wolves where talking to them as Justice had with me. I looked over at them as they both were flushing red. 

Matt cleared his throat, looking at us with an eyebrow raised. He shook his head and smiled the biggest smile I have seen from him. "Now who's the one with something red on their faces?"

Zane, Blaine and I growled at him. 

He threw his hands in the air in the universal sign of surrendering. He gulped loudly and backed up. "Sorry, I was only teasing. Please don't eat me."

I laughed at him as were Blaine and Zane. He looked so scared. I was going to have to work with them if they ever wanted to see their family again. If not they would be dead before they made it to my lands.

All of got up at the same time, grabbing our plates and headed into the kitchen to rinse them and put them in the dishwasher. My mates grabbed my plate and took it to the kitchen, while I put the food in containers to put in the refrigerator.  

"We have a early start for tomorrow. When I say early I meant it. We will start working out at five in the morning. Any questions?

Seaun groaned. "Why so early, Summer?"

"We need to learn to work together and there will be rogues tomorrow waiting to takes us down. Hopefully, they don't get up early."

Matt piped up, "They won't get up that early. It's probably a great time to get some learning in. I'm going to sleep right now"

"Alright, good night," Zane said, trying to get the guys upstairs.

Now, I was nervous. I didn't know what to expect, especially considering what my wolf showed me. I think Justice and my mates wolves were in cahoots. If I had to go by the blushes my mates sported I'm positively sure they are talking to each other. Great! Why did I have a perverted wolf again?

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