Chapter 14 - Learning the basics

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"What's going on?" Zane asked. He was confused as he watched his mate. He wasn't paying attention to the video.

"My mom's going to teach me magic. I'm a hybrid, a wolf and a witch. She said to 'beat 'the bastard,' her own words, I would need to learn offensive and defensive magic, She's going to teach me how on the rest of the video. Cool, huh?"

"Wow," Blaine and Zane commented together.

"Let's watch part of it, so we can get back to the kitchen. We need to look at the monitors, okay?"

Zane nodded and clicked the video back on. We sat and watched while my mom explained and demonstrated how magic worked. It was an awesome power. She did it beautifully, with no effort. She showed how to concentrate, something she had already been working on with me. Now I knew why I had exercises I didn't understand at the time. She was setting me up for magic. I watched her demonstrate fire. I moved to the tiled floor, cleared my mind and concentrated on my breathing.

"Damn, that's cool, Summer," Blaine exclaimed.

I opened my eyes, looking over at my mates. "What?"

"Turn your head toward your hands, Summer, you will find out why I was saying it was so cool. I wasn't talking about the video."

I turned and looked at my hands and shrieked, throwing my hands in the air to put them out. It dawned on me that the fire wasn't burning me. I was amazed when I figured this little nugget out. I closed my eyes and concentrated again, asking the fire to leave. When I opened my eyes the fire was gone.

"You're a quick learner," Zane blurted out, his eyes wide with excitement.

"Can we go see how close the idiots are?" I asked.

"Sure," Zane answered.

We walked back to the security room and looked at the monitors. There was no one too close but the idiots were getting closer to the cabin.

"What do you want to do?" Blaine asked.

"Go outside and see if I can call forth air, water and earth." I was excited to see if I could do more magic like my mom. It made me feel closer to her somehow.

"Come on," they said, grabbing my hands.

We were outside on the side of the cabin. The front and back were covered in blood and body parts - gross. I quickly cleared my mind, calling forth air, wanting to see if I could direct the air somewhere my mates weren't. I opened my eyes, noticing the wind was picking up and toppling medium sized tree's. My mates were just fine.

"Cool," Blaine said.

I closed my eyes and the wind died down slowly as if I breathed it away.

"For my next act, I will attempt to bury some bodies. Please tell me which ones would be safer. I know there are some fun things in the ground - I can feel them."

Zane pointed to two body parts closest to us. I nodded my head and cleared my mind. I wanted to do this without closing my eyes. I imagined the bodies being buried, the soil opening deep enough to bury them, then the earth covering them, and the earth repacking itself as if there was nothing ever there. As soon as the bodies were covered I added an extra element to them being buried. I asked the earth to bring over vines, limbs and pine needles to cover them. Also, me being person that I am, I asked the earth to slowly wrap around my mates ankles, holding them upside down.

I looked over at my mates and started laughing. They were upside down but they were close to the top of the tree. I could have left them there but now was not the time. I slowly let them down, laying them on the ground as the vines disappeared from their ankles. "Uh, I think I have it."

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