Chapter 49 - Ooh la-la

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I was awoken by Blaine picking me up and sitting down with me on his lap. He wiped my tears away. I didn't realize I was crying until then. "Are you okay, Summer?"


I nodded my head. "I'm okay I was talking to my mom, dad and the Moon Goddess. I was upset my parents had to go. The Moon Goddess told me why."

"Okay. I'm going to hold you for a little while and then Zane will come back here and hold you. Go to sleep, sweetheart, okay?"

I nodded my head as Blaine rubbed my arms. I finally fell asleep until I woke up needing to go pee. I was trying to hold it but my bladder was having none of it. I pulled Blaines arms up and snuck off, hoping no one was in the restroom. I did my business and walked to the front of the bus.

"You okay?" Zane asked quietly.

"Yeah. I had a dream with my parents in it. They were going over some stuff they had taught me growing up. When we practiced it would be in secret. Now I understand why. They didn't want Garrett to see my moves and magic. Thank you, Moon Goddess, for parents who took care of me but made the learning into games and nursery rhymes. They were smart." I smiled just thinking about them helping me to become the person I am today.

"Your parents were like ours were. They always had our practice off limits to the pack. I guess it was their way of looking out for us too," Blaine whispered.

"Wow, our parents should have been relates...oh, never mind. If we were related we couldn't be mates. Not going to happen. But, our parents were looking out for us. I like it," I whispered and giggled.

"I did too," Blaine whispered.

Blaine was driving and looking out for everyone's buses. I decided I wanted to see another cd my mother made for me. I got up and grabbed my bag. I walked back up to the passenger seat and put the CD in the player and got comfortable.

My mom came up, telling how very proud she was of me, causing me to lose a few tears. She taught me a much needed truth spell. One that would render the person spelled would cause them to speak only the truth. I thought it was a great spell to have. I was tired of getting my heart stomped on when I gave someone a chance. She showed me a way to spread out the spell, making a shit load of people speak the truth. I was in awe of my mom's power. She explained how to spell cast even if I was in wolf form. I knew I only had a month before I couldn't shift because of the pregnancy. I hoped this battle with the bastard, the ass-hat, and the bitch-face was over by then. The cd stopped and I wanted to put another one in but I stopped myself. I wasn't sure why but it felt right to stop.

"My mom was amazing and amazing teacher. My dad taught me a lot too," I quietly murmured.

"Yeah, they were. All I have to do is look at their daughter to know how amazing they were," Blaine whispered back as he smiled at me. He reached over and grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

I decided I needed a little more sleep, especially if I was going to help with anything tomorrow. I got up and kissed Blaine's cheek and walked back over to Zane. I decided I needed to try and pee before I laid down with him. I walked back to the restroom and did my business, walking back and slowly laying down with Zane as he tightened his arms around me.

I slept with no dreams this time. When the bus was about to park for breakfast I woke up and so did Zane. I got out of Zane's lap as he gave me a peck on my lips, getting up and walking to Blaine. I watched him walk to the front and all my mind thought was 'ooh-la-la'. I don't know how my mind works at times but the phrase fit for his walk and boy does he have the walk down. I don't think he knew how sexy he was, they both were.

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