Chapter 26 - The aftermath

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On day two there was a knock on our bedroom door. Zane walked over and cracked open the door. "What's up, Joel?"

Joel looked at Zane's hair, shook his head and replied, "Uh, what's up with your hair? And, are the three of you getting up this month?"

Summer heard what Joel said, looking at Zane's hair herself. "Zane, he's right, your hair is sticking straight up. And, Joel, we're getting up and taking a shower. Be right there, as long as there's food."

"No problem, Summer, we have food," Joel commented as he walked away.

I popped out of bed waking Blaine. I ran into the shower before my mates came to their wits. I didn't think I was up for more of their loving. I hurt in places I didn't know I had.

I washed my hair first, then conditioned it. I started on my body, cleaning everywhere. I was sticky everywhere. I was wondering how much fun Justice had considering she wasn't making comments, yet.

"Hush it. I need my beauty rest. I hope our mates are as tired and relaxed as I am," Justice bragged.

Stupid wolf. She didn't understand it's my body too. And, I'm not as indestructible as she is. Sure I could use magic but I hadn't learned all the magic I needed to. Hopefully, I could check out more DVD's today, er, whatever time it was.

I got out and wrapped my towel around myself, walking out to the closet to get some clothes on. I looked over at the bed, and my mates were sound asleep. I couldn't pass up the chance to tease my mates, of course. I walked over to the bed, dropping my towel and calling their names. "Hey, mates, ready for to make it two-hundred and twenty-one with some more love making?"

Blaine looked over at me and groaned. "I think my cocks broken, twisted and put on backwards."

I laughed. "Poor, baby. The shower did wonders for me."

Blaine jumped up, giving me a kiss as he walked into the bathroom. Now, time to have fun with Zane.

"Zane, baby, I have this little itch. I need it scratched so bad."

"Uh, go away, no one's home and neither is his little partner," Zane mumbled, opening one eye.

"Get up, you big baby, it's been two whole days. We haven't eaten anything and I'm starving. But, if you don't want any food I guess I will yours too."

Zane rolled off the bed. "What the hell? How did I get on Blaine's side of the bed. Great! I rolled in a wet spot."

I started laughing, holding my stomach, tears leaking out of my eyes.

"What are you laughing about?" Zane grumped

"The whole fucking bed is a wet spot," I stopped to laugh more. "Wait until you take a shower and find you're wearing a lot of it."

Blaine jumped up, heading to the shower as I walked into the closet, chuckling and smiling big. I probably looked like a fool but it was so fun getting my mates riled up. It took a long time but when they blew, they blew like a keg of dynamite. I dressed and walked out of the closet to find my boots and finally finding them thrown across the room by the bed.

I walked out of the bedroom and walked to the kitchen. I could tell it was lunchtime by the delicious scent of meatloaf. The women only made meatloaf at lunch time if they weren't pressed for time. I was glad I didn't sleep until dinner, I was starving.

"Hi, dear, how are you feeling?"

"Like I've been ran over by the most amazing trucks," I answered, laughing a little.

My mates walked and took a breath in, smiling. At the same time they said, "Meatloaf."

I chuckled at them. I thought it was cute, the same said thing. They would probably take offence to my thought but maybe not. I'm sure they knew exactly what I was thinking. Our wolves communicated everything. A lot more than I was comfortable with at times.

"How much longer until lunch?" I asked.

"About forty-five minutes. I made all three of you sandwiches to hold you over until then," she said.

"Thank you," I shouted out, grabbing my sandwich.

I needed to go take a look at more of the CD's my mom made me to learn from. I looked at my mates, motioning with my hand towards the theater room. They nodded their heads and followed me out.


I walked into the theater room, pulling a couple of CD's from my bag and popping one in. I sat down on the floor. I was afraid if I sat in the chairs I would fall asleep. As I ate my lunch, I watched my mom teach about healing. The way she taught was fascinating. It was fine and dandy watching her but I needed hands on experience. I smelled blood, turning quickly and looking at my mates. Blaine was holding his arm out.

"Well, get to it before I heal, Summer."

I ran to him and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath in. I soon felt my hands heat up and opened my eyes, amazed it completely healed. "I did it!"

"Yes, you did. Now, it's Zane's turn but you can't close your eyes."

Zane slit his arm, making it bigger than Blaine's was.

I rolled my eyes at him. He was trying to one up Blaine but I still took a deep breath, once again feeling my hands heat up and watching the deep slit close. "Ha! I did it."

"Yes, you did. Now, we need to get a hold of one of the rogues and break his arm to see if you can do it then too," Zane explained.

I looked at him like he was crazy. "You have to be kidding."

"You need to know how to heal a bigger injury, Summer, unless someone wants to volunteer or unfortunately gets hurt," Blaine explained his reasoning too.

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