Chapter 2 - Running

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I was tired of running, tired of not having a place to call my own. When I made it Silverton Colorado I decided it was time to stay for a little while. I wasn't sure how long, but with the town being so small I figured I would be safe.

Boy was I wrong.

What was stamped on my forehead? For a fun time come get some? I don't think so.

But these boys weren't rogues. They weren't even werewolves. They were human.

"We can't win for losing," Justice said dryly.

"You think?"

The boys were looking at each other, using their eyes to signal each other. I knew I was about to be surrounded but I wasn't worried about it. They thought I was a weak pathetic female. Ha!

One of the boys said, "It's okay, we won't hurt you - much."

I stopped play acting and smirked. "How about not at all," I said sarcastically.

The boys were looking at each other, using their eyes to signal each other. I knew I was about to be surrounded but I wasn't worried about it.

One of the boy's grabbed my arm. He didn't get any closer than that. I flipped him over and stood on his neck.

"Now, this is how it's going to go. You are going to leave me alone and go on your merry way or I'm going to make you bleed."

"You're just a girl, you can't take all of us on," a tall good looking boy said.

I laughed at him. "You may have to rape women to get a date, but you're not going to rape me."

The boys came after me all at the same time. I ducked and two of them ran into each other, while I took out the other two guy's legs. There was no way they were going to be walking back, that was for damn sure.

The two guys who ran into other thought it would be a great idea to take me out by working as a team. They each grabbed my arms and tried to put me on the ground.

Notice I said tried.

I quickly punched the guy on my left, seriously knocking him wacky. The other guy on my right was going to use the same move but I was way ahead of him. I punched him the nose, flipped him on his back, hard, and stood over him while he was crying like a little bitch.

The one I knocked to the ground first, jumped up and growled at me. He actually had an impressive growl - for a human.

I shook my head, sighing. He wasn't going to back down. I quickly knocked him out. I wanted away from all these idiots, not stay around and have a fucking chat. Why the hell do these things keep happening to me?

"You're going to answer to my dad, the sheriff, for this," the tall boy said.

"You're going to tell your dad you got beat up by a girl you tried to rape? I asked incredulously.

"No, damn it! I'm going to tell him you were with a lot of guys and we were outnumbered while you sat and watched the fight," he said.

I started laughing, holding my gut. "Seriously? I must have hit you harder than I thought."

I walked away into the woods, going back to my motel room. I knew I needed to get out of this town and quickly. I didn't want to land up in jail, and I didn't have time to go to jail, go to court for assault, and land up in jail. I didn't understand why any of the girls those guys raped didn't go to someone and tell. They were probably thinking the same as me; the sheriff would protect the boys because they were popular and thought nothing could touch them - all because one of the boys father was the sheriff.

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