Chapter 37 - Projection

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"I know. I'm so scared. They are the only family I have left," Caro pleaded, tears running down her face. My heart broke for her. I had lost all my family. I had mates but they're not my parents.

I nodded my head at my mates, sitting down on the ground with her. I wanted to see if I could amplify her projection. I also wanted to see if her mother and sister were truly in the cells and if they weren't, she would be dead. I held her hands as she closed her eyes and centered herself. Her techniques were different than mine but they were still effective.

Instead of Cora taking me with her, I took her with me. I don't know how it happened or why. Maybe because she was scared and couldn't concentrate. I followed her to the cell her mother and sister were supposed to be at, noticing Matt in a cell. I had to stop and back up, calling his name quietly, or maybe it was in his mind. He didn't speak out loud but in his mind. I told him I was coming for them. To wait a few more days and all would be well. Matt smiled and nodded his head.

I walked to where Cora was crying on the floor, noticing no one was in the cell she was in front of. I whispered to Matt, asking him what happened to the witches. I was told the bastard got upset with them and killed them two days ago. I thanked him and touched Cora's back, throwing both of us back into mind.

When Cora opened her eyes again she broke down. She cried and cried. I knew what she was feeling. I sat and with her, rocking her and singing a lullaby my mother would sing to me. It took her awhile until she quit crying and started hiccupping. She shuddered, looking at me to see tears in my own eyes.

"He killed them. He knew he was going to kill them before I had barely left the pack lands," she hoarsely said as her eyes flashed with heat. "That bastard killed them. Now, I want his head on a silver platter."

"Join the club, honey. He hasn't just wronged our family but every person on these buses, including my mates," I softly told her. "But, we are going to take him down."

She nodded her head, sniffling a few more times. "Can I stay with you? I'm sorry for calling him. I was scared."

I looked at Zane and Blaine as they nodded their heads. "I talked to Matt. He's in the cells right now. I told him we were coming and he smiled beautifully, hugging his mate and children. He told me the bastard killed her family on the same day she left to come to us. I'm going to give her another shot." I looked a Cora. "But, if I find you lying or withholding information again then you're done, understand, Cora?" She nodded her head and hugged me.

I stood up and staggered. I was dizzy and a little sick to my stomach. I shook my head a few times making myself even dizzier. Really? This shit again? I needed to be able to use my magic without falling out like a little bitch. I needed to eat and build up my strength. Zane picked me up and carried me into the bus, handing me a couple of energy bars. It wasn't ten minutes later Blaine walked in with a plate of spaghetti and some orange juice, handing it to me and waiting for me to take a bite.

Zane looked around. "We're going to stop for the night. The women have cooked and everyone needs to go up to the back of the bus number four. The women are going to hand out your food. You can sit in your seat or outside for awhile. But, you will need to be quiet." Everyone nodded and stepped off the bus.

Blaine left and came back with food for him and Zane. "They wouldn't let me wait in line with everyone else."

I laughed at him pouting because he couldn't wait in line. My crazy mates were too funny at times. Zane opened a bottle of medicine. It smelled awful. I was trying to keep my mind on my food and not the medicine.

"Zane, get that shit out from under my nose. Damn, that shit stinks," I grumbled.

"It's a prenatal vitamin. It's good for you and the babies," Zane explained.

"I don't care what it is. You could have waited until I finished eating. Now that shit is up my nose. It makes me want to gag." I looked up at him. "Next time it would be a good idea to give it to me when I'm outside, okay?"

"Alright, I'm sorry. They do smell rank, don't they?" Zane apologized. All three of us started laughing, moving to sit outside until the bus and our noses aired out.

I felt a wind whip up, one not natural. "Everyone to the buses. Now!"

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