Chapter 56 - Power & Moves

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"You could take out all of them by yourself," Blaine exclaimed.

I shook my head and went to take a step, staggering and almost going down. Zane caught me and carried me to the bus. I didn't want to be carried. I wanted to walk on the bus on my own. I knew they weren't going to let me go. Damn it! I didn't think it took that much out of me. I thought I was getting stronger. Now, I needed a nap and some energy bars. I would like to have orange too.

"I already let Truth and Power know, Summer. You need to take care of us and our pups," Justice stated.

I rolled my eyes at my wolf as Zane sat me down in my chair. Blaine jumped on the bus with a sandwich, orange juice and some energy bars. He handed them to me, telling me I was to eat every drop. Damn, I had already eaten breakfast but everything looked great. I opened my sandwich and orange juice and ate every single bite, drinking all of my orange juice. I felt better but I ate an energy bars too. I didn't want to sit in my lounger all day but my eyes started closing without my permission.

I dreamt I was in a grassy field. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. It was beautiful. The birds were flying around, singing joyful songs. I looked around me and saw three people walking towards me. I stood up and faced them. The Moon Goddess was suddenly in front of me. I bowed but she lifted me back up.

"Summer, I'm going to allow your parents to see you. You can't touch them or you will die. The living cannot touch the dead. Do you understand, Summer? You cannot touch them or you and your children will die."

It finally got through to me of what she said. I nodded my head and smiled. "I won't touch them. I want to see my mates again. I don't want to die and take my children with me."

The Moon Goddess waved my parents over. They walked up and smiled at me. I knew they were sad but there was happiness too. "I love you, Mom and Dad."

"We love you too, honey. We have given you every tool to take care of the bastard but one," my dad told me.

I was confused. What else did they have for me. "Remember, Summer, you can't touch us. I need to transfer my power to you. The Moon Goddess gave us permission for this one time. Whatever you do, child, don't touch us."

I nodded my head and crossed my arms behind me, holding my hands tight. My mom walked up to me and put her hand over my head. I felt the power she possessed as it went from her to me. It was strong and clean. My mom had never ever thought about black magic. I wanted to cry but I didn't want to accidentally touch her when I wiped my tears. When she was done transferring her power she stepped back and gently smiled at me. My dad stepped up and I gripped my hands tighter. He put his hand above my head and sent images after images of moves to defeat the rogues. I thought he had shown me all he knew but I would have been wrong. My dad stepped back as the tears started rolling down my cheeks faster than I could wipe them.

"I love you. I will see you again some day. But, let's make it for when you are like one-hundred or so," my mom joked.

I started laughing. I knew that was what she was doing but my mom was very funny at times. "I love you too, Mom and Dad. Thank you for teaching me everything as I grew up. I finally figured out what all the games, mock fights, and even the dreaded ballet was for. Thank you." I blew them a kiss as the Moon Goddess waved her hand.

I woke up with a gasp. Zane ran over and asked me if I was okay. I smiled so huge I was sure I looked kind of scary. I could feel my mom's power running through me and all my dad's teachings running through my mind. "I'm okay. I went to visit the Moon Goddess and my parents. My mom transferred her power to me and my dad gave me a lot more moves to use against the rogues."

"Let me get this straight. You're a lot more powerful - which I wouldn't think was possible - and you're lethal or more lethal?"

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