Chapter 55 - Infiltrate

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I held my nose and took it, gagging a little at the taste. Gross! I kept taking big sips of my grape soda. After a few drinks I couldn't taste the vitamin. I shuddered again. I knew if I burped because of the soda I was going to taste that shit. I reminded myself it was for our babies.

I looked up and noticed everyone had finished and were sitting around me. Oh, yeah. I was going to share with them. "Alright, I have a question. My dad taught me moves no one has seen. The rogues fight dirty. The dirtier the better. I want to send these moves to you through the mind-link. The moves will stay in your head until we have taken out the scum. What do you think?"

Everyone nodded their head, women included. "Okay. " I sent all the moves my dad taught me to them. It was dirty and gritty. The warriors were smiling and shaking their heads. "Is everyone okay?"

"Never better, Summer. Those are great moves. Thank you for sharing them," Joel commented, nodding his head yes.

Everyone else was smiling. I knew it would help keep them safe. "I have one other thing I need to hand out personally. I'm going to spell the necklaces I have in my hand." I held up the necklaces. "These necklaces will be spelled to a specific person. They are another layer of protection. But, they are also for the rogues to think they're your only protection. It will give you more time to take them out. I know they will rip them from your necks but it won't work for them." I smiled wickedly.

I got up and went to each person. I spelled the necklaces and put them on the person. I included the children, mothers and the elderly. I knew they would be in a cave that I will be spelling but the more protection the better. It took a couple of hours to spell everyone's necklaces but when I was done I was surprised to know I was fine. I wasn't weak or shaky.

"Are you okay, Summer," Blaine asked quietly.

I laughed and hugged Blaine. "I'm fine. Perfect even. I don't know why but I'll take it."

Blaine hugged me and spun me around in a circle, laughing the whole time, well, until I told him I was going to puke. He stopped spinning immediately, making sure I was okay. I laughed and hugged Zane next. I was happy and so thankful. I hated feeling weak in front of anyone. I knew I still had to be safe and eat my energy bars but as much as I hated the vitamins I believed they were helping me too. There was no way I would tell my mates that little nugget of information.

I felt vibrations in the ground - a lot of them. "Everyone who isn't fighting go to the buses now. Be quiet and be quick," I mind-linked everyone.

I stood up and moved through a gap in the buses, the warriors and my mates following me. I could feel about one-hundred rogues and one witch. The witch was powerful. I felt the spell the witch attempted to throw at us but I slapped it down. I asked the ground to roll the rogues and witch out of the forest surrounding the buses. The witch and a few rogues rolled out.

"What do you want?" I asked the witch and rogues.

"We don't want to be with Garrett. He's cruel and killed our family," one of the rogues explained.

"I'm scared of him," the witch threw out.

I did a truth spell on them, finding out their names when I did. I'm not sure how it happened but I was glad I could address them by name. "Amelda, why did you come here?"

"Garrett sent us to infiltrate your group." She slapped a hand over her mouth and looked shocked.

"What about you, Leroy? What did you come here for?" I asked as I crossed my arms under my breasts.

"I was sent to kill your mate," Leroy said as he slapped both hands over his mouth.

I rolled my eyes and raised my hands above my head. I snapped my fingers, causing every rogue and the witch to become frozen. I asked the wind to blow hard and scatter the foul one's in every direction. When I looked again the rogue and the witch were scattered around. I didn't have to ask the water to cleanse them or the earth to bury them. I was surprised at the scene.

I turned around to our warriors and smirked. They were standing in the same spot. But, they had their mouths hanging open. "Glad that's over. How about we get going?"

They all shook their heads, closed their mouths and got on their buses. My mates were looking at me with an eyebrow raised. "What?"

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