Chapter 1 - The Siege

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Ever had a dream with fighting and screaming in it? One that felt so real? Well, I was having one of those kinds of dreams. It was scary. I couldn't make out a lot of what was going on around me, but I stood there like a statue, watching my pack die...

"Wake up, Summer! Wake up!" My wolf, Justice, screamed.

I shot out of bed, hearing the screaming for real now. "What's going on?"

"We're under attack."

I took a deep breath in. "Rogues," I growled out.

"Get out of here, Summer! Go!" My dad, the Alpha, yelled through the mind-link, using his Alpha tone.

"But, Dad-"

"Go! Please go. I can't concentrate knowing you're in danger," he begged.

I ran to the bathroom wall, pulled a lever, and ran down the tunnel my dad, mom and I only knew about. It was the evacuation plan for me in case something happened to our pack. I hated it. I didn't want to run but I didn't have a choice. Dad used his alpha voice on me.

I turned back around and quickly locked the passage, then ran for my life - all because the Alpha told me to.

I stumbled, falling down on the ground, and clutched my heart. My mom was dead. Gone. Oh, it hurts so bad that I couldn't move right then. I knew I had to move, run, get away, but I couldn't move. I had lost the only person, other than my dad, who was there with me through everything. I didn't know if I could make it out of the tunnels I hurt so bad.

"I know, baby girl, keep running," my dad said sadly through the mind link. "Don't look back, never look back. Your uncle set this up. Don't let him find you. Promise me you won't come back home until you are sure you can kill that son of a bitch. I love you, Summer."

"I promise, Dad," I choked out, trying not to cry.

"He's looking for you, so get as far as you can. Don't forget your go bag. You have everything you need to start a new life until you are ready to come back."

"I love you, Dad."

I got up and started running as fast as I could, falling, once again, when I felt my father die. As with my moms death, I felt as if someone had ripped out my heart. I hurt so bad, my breathing was ragged, tears running down my face, realizing I was alone, utterly and completely alone now.

Now all I felt was hate for the man who did this to my family. It made me want to go back and rip the bastards heart out of his chest, but I promised my dad that I would live, come back when I stronger, and kill the bastard. I will never call him my uncle. Never! He's a bastard and that's it.

That bastard was going to die.

What the ass-hat didn't understand was when I found my mate, not that I wanted some overprotective ass, I would become the Alpha of the Black Dagger Pack. He didn't understand how a woman could become the Alpha. He will find out soon enough though.

The Moon Goddess had blessed our pack with unusual stamina, strength, power, and speed, which is why I didn't understand how the bastard had killed so many. Did he have help? If so, who was this person and what was this person? A witch? A vampyre? I didn't care who it was I would make sure they didn't live long.

I ran for over ten hours straight. I was so tired, but I knew I needed to get further away than I was now.

"Did he kill everyone, Justice?" I asked my wolf.

"No, he didn't. He took a lot of the warriors mates and children to use as collateral. He wanted the warriors to stay in line, to fight for him, and to call him Alpha. Not that he's the true Alpha but whatever helps him sleep at night. Don't worry, Summer, he will be sleeping the sleep of the dead one day and you and I are going to be the one who makes sure he doesn't wake up ever again."

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