Chapter 44 - Casting Out a Net

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I, of course, blushed. "My mom taught me everyone was important from the youngest child to the oldest person. She was a wonderful teacher and mother."


Blaine nodded and helped me back into the bus. Not that I needed help but I wasn't going to complain. My mates were caring and at some point in time I was going to need the help.

I stepped on the bus and took a seat in my lounge chair, putting my feet up. I sighed and closed my eyes. I needed to get my energy back up. I would eat and take my nasty vitamin.

"Here you go, mate," Zane spoke in a hushed whisper.

I opened my eyes and smiled at him, leaning up to kiss him. I would be getting a kiss from Blaine next. I grabbed my plate, thanking him. I was eating slowly as Blaine jumped on the bus and handed Zane his plate.

"Come on outside. You need to take your vitamin, okay?" Blaine asked softly.

I walked outside and went over to my mates. Blaine shook a vitamin out of the bottle and handed it to me. I held my nose and took the vitamin, drinking copious amounts of juice. I turned to my mates and smiled, pulling down one mate and then the other, kissing them as if there was no tomorrow.

Both of my mates spit out the taste in their mouth. I was wishing I could do the same but mine wasn't going to go away unless I threw up and one time going down was enough, I didn't need to taste it coming back up.

"That was mean, Summer," Zane complained as Blaine was still spitting.

"I just wanted to share in the wealth," I cheekily said, smiling so big my face hurt.

Everyone of the ladies were laughing quietly. I smiled at them, laughing softly to myself. One of the ladies walked by me and toasted me. My mates had grumpy faces on and were pouting. I hugged them and rubbed their backs as Lizzet came by with a few crackers and milk. So, that's how you got rid of the taste? Why wasn't I told? Oh, well, I know now. My mates quickly ate the crackers and drank the milk, smiling at Lizzet.

"Hey, I should have been taught that little trick, Lizzet," I whined, winking at her.

"Sorry, I didn't think of it before I saw you take yours. Plus, you were being mean to your sweet mates," she informed me as I pouted, hoping it would score me some points with my mates.

I stuck my tongue at Lizzet and hugged my mates, apologizing profusely to them. I did feel bad. But, come on, my mates tried to poison me twice with those nasty vitamins.

"You're such a drama queen," Justice sang, sighing dramatically.

"I think being a drama queen fits you a lot better," I mocked Justice. I could see her roll her wolfy eyes and go back to sleep. I hope she wasn't waiting for us to have sex because she would be waiting forever. She huffed and turned her back to me. Ha! Oh, wait, I want to be with my mates. Great, now I'm talking to myself.

"Are you going to spell everyone against teleportation and witches who try to take them or their wills away?" Zane asked as he fidgeted.

"What's wrong, Zane? You seem a little flustered."

"Two things are wrong. The people are worried about someone hurting them. And, my damn wolf is perverted, showing me in graphic detail what he wants us to do to you. Now, I have a problem with a certain part of my body," Zane complained.

"Let me get everyone settled with a spell." I paused. "I'll take care of both of you when they are asleep. One at a time. I want to keep eye's out for the rogues, okay?" Zane nodded.

Blaine jumped on the bus, coming over to me and kissing as if I was going to disappear. "I got us a cabin to ourselves."

I started laughing. "Zane can you explain to Blaine what I said? I'm going to go and help everyone feel a lot safer." Zane nodded his head.

I stepped off the bus and went to the last bus in the line of our buses. I knocked on the door and it opened after one of the warriors looked out. I could see the relieved look in his eye.

"Everyone get still. I'm going to cast a spell over each of you. I want all of you protected from the witches and the rogues. Thank you," I explained, moving to the back of the bus. I started with one row of seats but noticed when I went to the next row they were spelled too. I moved up to the next seat and the next. I guess the lessons on casting a wide net really stuck with me.

"Are we spelled?" One of the ladies questioned while clutching her child to her.

"Yes, everyone is. Everyone is protected against claw, blade, gun, well, any weapon. You are also spelled where a witch or warlock cannot control your mind or teleport in or out. In other words - you are protected against anything." The whole bus seemed to take a breath and let it out. All of them bowed their heads, some blowing me a kiss.

I hopped off the bus and went to the next one and did the same thing. I noticed my protection spell was carrying over to the next bus. I still went in and told them they were protected and from what. When I was done I went back to our bus and did the same thing as the other buses.

I plopped down in my lounger and grabbed a homemade energy bar out of my pocket, propping my feet up. I must have fallen asleep because my mates were discussing whether to wake me up or let me sleep. I opened my eyes and smiled at my goofy mates as they hovered over me.

"You're awake," Blaine exclaimed in a hushed voice.

"Yes." I yawned. "What time is it?"

"Four in the morning. I know you need to sleep but can you be with us one time? If not I'm going to be walking around with a boner the rest of the week," Zane informed me and hopefully only me.

"Okay, but I'm not picking who goes first," I whispered, looking between both of them.

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