Chapter 70 - Bedtime

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My mates didn't say anything back to me. I was getting panicked when I heard the voice of Power. 

"Truth and I know we are floating

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"Truth and I know we are floating. We also know that this is a gift from the Moon Goddess. Something to help us in the battle. As you grow into your powers so do we. Whatever you can do we can do."

"What?" I asked as we floated back down to the bed.

I heard my mates groan. "Get to moving. We can talk about this afterwards."

They both started pumping into me, building our climax up quickly. It was as if I felt them times two-thousand. It was raw, loud and wonderful. I was being slapped by their balls from the front and back. It only added to my pleasure. I could feel everything my mates felt. It was as if we plugged in a live wire to our feelings. After a few more minutes we all screamed and roared. It sounded like an echo. We all sank back down into the mattress, catching our run away breaths. It took us some time to slow our heartbeats and get our breaths back.

"What was that, Summer?" Blaine asked, his eyes wide. He looked as if he was about to have a panic attack. I rubbed my nose on each of their arms, giving a small kiss to each one.

"Um, Power told me that you will be able to do anything I can do. A gift from the Moon Goddess to help us with our fight," I nervously answered.

"We can do everything you can do? I mean everything?" Zane asked as his nose flared.

"That's what Power told me. Come to think of it...both of your eyes were blazing white and you two were in something of a trance," I told them quietly.

"Wow, it's exactly what you look like when your eyes blaze," Blaine commented. "Do you think you could teach us in the morning? I mean, I know we've watched you do your spells. I just don't know if we can pick up spells that quick."

"Hey, Summer, didn't you say we can talk to other wolves?" Zane asked, looking me in the eyes.

I nodded my head. "You can cause them to submit but other than that I'm not sure what else we can do. I guess I need to look at the next two compact discs."

"Let's get some sleep, then we can get up a little earlier to watch the lessons with you, okay?" Blaine questioned as I yawned.

I got up and went to the bathroom, washing my face and peeing. I walked back to the bed and crawled between my mates, laying my hand on their chests. I was asleep in no time.

I wasn't sure how long I was asleep but my mates were gone when I sat up. I sniffed the air to see if I could smell them.

"They're in the kitchen. They wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed. They figured you could eat and then watch the two lessons you need to watch before our fight," Justice informed me.

My mates walked back through the door, walking quickly to put the tray in my lap.

Blaine leaned over and gave me a kiss. "Thanks, Justice, for giving away our surprise."

"Ha! I already told her about telling everyone's secrets. She doesn't listen to me and never has," I snitched on my wolf, myself, whatever.

Zane nodded and kissed me, laying down beside me.

"Blaine and Zane, did you two eat?"

They nodded their heads. I could tell they were excited to learn the new lessons, I was too. I grabbed my bag from beside the bed and handed one to Zane. He put the compact disc into the player and turned it on, hurrying back to sit with me on the bed.

I ate my breakfast as I watched the lesson, missing my mouth at times. My mom's second to the last lesson was on using the power of our wolves. It was what we were asking about last night. My mom taught us about the use of our voice being a weapon against unruly wolves or rogues. The power came from our blood and our wolves. With Blaine and Zane being my mates they will be just as powerful. But, on our pack lands I would still be more powerful. I didn't care about the power, except to keep our pack safe. The disc stopped and Blaine got up and changed it out. I looked down at my clothing and started laughing.

"I think I wore more food than I ate," I told my mates, laughing again at myself.

"We could help get you clean - with our tongues," Zane commented, causing my core to heat up.

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