chap. 19: Strength

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Life is slow or fast depends on your vision and way of being that you will feel it differently, in the depths of the forest life is more relaxed, everything goes at its own time, from the current of the stream to the fall of the leaves. But before all this, the soft grunts of a young woman reddened by the effort are heard, the rock which should move to a mark not advanced even a millimeter.

Emily, completely exhausted, falls face down to the ground, to which a man sitting on the branch of a tree throws a seed at her head while saying "Who do you think you are ?! Let's go upstairs useless, why are you wasting my time" I culminate jumping from where she was, the girl responds between loud exhalations "forgive me ... but ... my arms hurt ... I can barely breathe ... I know I'm useless ... but don't give up on me ... "The man simply walked to where the mark was, erasing it, he walked a few more meters, creating a new mark, the girl still without the strength to stand up questioned" ... What is he doing? ... "to what he I answer "doubling the distance of your objective, since every time you fall I will double the distance, if before you had to move the rock five meters, do the math", the girl gathered all the strength that she had left only by raising her head to see and ask him again "But if I couldn't move nothing before? ... Much less now" to what he used to Or he sat down and said "get up before you have to move the one kilometer."

It was already dusk, exhausted Emily falls to her knees with a very agitated breath, her arms trembled, her hands had well marked veins, reaching the point of gigantic pain the girl simply refuses to fall because she already knows what will happen, but to stop someone whose mind was fixed on not falling, the pain is much higher and no matter how hard you try, you will always win. The girl hugs the ground, crying slightly while squeezing her hands tightly, to which the warrior did not get to see this that moved the brand again, the girl simply accepted that fact, she began to get up to return to her home, saying goodbye to the man .

The Sword Master simply walked to the rock and saw how the girl had managed to move the two meters, smiling and said "fine" returning the rock to its starting point reducing the girl's progress to absolutely zero, she disappeared from the place.

The night normally brings calm, but for a young woman after showering and feeling that the water simply did not appease her enormous body heat, without dinner she throws herself into bed struggling to sleep against the enormous pain she suffered, only managing to fall asleep several hours later. Upon awakening by the voice of her father, she quickly got ready to take some books from her home, running as fast as her legs would allow, she barely got to take the bus that would bring her closer to her destination, when she sat down she realized that the pain she suffered yesterday now it had increased much more.

Upon arriving at school, she quickly enters the classroom but is stopped by a girl with red hair saying "until finally you arrive, I hope you have done my homework and that of my friends" quickly Emily searches her backpack taking out a pile of sheets, The redhead takes them by handing over some bills to our protagonist as she leaves, the only thing she thinks is "how did that Leslie do? To approve something without help?"

Back in the forest the girl begins to push the rock to her new goal, after about three hours she lets out a great sigh while rivers of sweat fall to the ground, extremely exhausted she is taken out of her thoughts by his voice saying "hey, I'm going To clarify something, the strength is not only in the arms "finishing this, he takes out a fruit and begins to throw the peel at the girl who replies" hey ... I'm not a garbage man! ". At the end of the day, the girl is getting ready to leave when she sees that the man returns the rock to where she had to move it.

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