chap. 20: Relatives

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The surprised and angry girl recriminates the warrior saying "How dare you! He gets rid of all my efforts! Who has believed himself ?! What would you think if I just got rid of everything he has? ! " The man just looked at her and calmly replied "absolutely nothing", the girl got even more upset, without restraining herself she yelled at her "Of course you must have everything right ?! That's why you don't value the efforts of others!" the warrior jumps to the branch of a tree responding to the young woman "to have, not to have, same crap, different smell, that having to start from scratch does not mean that it will be more difficult, it only means what you did today will not wait for you tomorrow, you should focus on your biggest problem "to which the girl only gave her a doubtful look, to which he threw her a blade that only touched her causing her to fall to the ground with a suffering face, at the moment she was there the man erased the mark again.

The young woman, very sore and calmer, consults the older one in search of wisdom "Master, what should I do to calm this enormous pain that I feel?" He listened to each word, analyzing each one of them in depth, he answered "tell me" he approached her and hit her on the head while answering "No teacher, I'll be your teacher if you manage to pass your test, but ... the Pain is an interesting word and a curious feeling ... ", the girl rubbing the place of the blow replies" Don't tell me? " the man simply looked at the sky, saying to the young woman "... the warrior does not ignore the pain, he learns to accept it and turn it into just one more part of his energy that will motivate the enormous fire of his soul, the pain is impossible to deny, ignore it or overcome it if first it does not embrace because in the end it is the only thing that remains, the most common but complex characteristic that everyone wants to stop failing fatally "


Year 2005 city of Saicon a young man with raven hair crosses the streets at enormous speed with his red eyes, full of tears, he arrives at a house surrounded by the closest neighbors while firefighters and doctors take a man out of the rubble, the adults see the young man who immediately understands that he has a bond with the adult, a firefighter takes him by the shoulders saying "hello boy, everything will be fine" to which he frees himself from the grip and goes to the injured man who was lying on a stretcher Doctors prefer not to say anything to the child who takes the inert hand of his guardian, places it on his head and immediately notices that the injured person no longer has life. All the adults watch the scene, none of them have the courage to console the child, who invaded by enormous anger begins to dye some of his hair white and shouts to the night sky "TEACHER!".

-End of Flashback-

Back in the present the warrior, after explaining what pain is to the girl, takes a sheet, looking at it carefully and tells the young woman to leave before she misses her bus, to which the girl jumps, running with With all his strength to return home, the man simply looks up at the sky again, letting out a great sigh, a tear falls down his cheek as he says "my ... biggest ... mistake".

Emily already cleaner after a long day of training, after doing her homework, she prepares to cook dinner but notices that she is missing some ingredients, she quickly sends an audio to her father telling him where she would be, she quickly goes to the supermarket to be was about four streets away. Already with everything she needs to cook, she is in line to pay, not knowing why she is able to hear much more than before, she notices the discussion of the cashiers.

Cashier 1: - "Hey at the end, who's the dead man?"

Cashier 2: - "a certain Marcelo Alvarez".

Cashier 1: - "the family must be destroyed".

Cashier 2: - "Yes, he was an ideal neighbor, a Flanders, but his death is due to a mistress according to the police."

Cashier 1: - "Hey, it wouldn't be that rapist. What was suspected by that neighborhood?"

Cashier 2: - "I don't think so, he was a good guy."

The girl only listened attentively, avoiding any reaction, paid for her things and left the place bumping her shoulder with two very similar boys who were carrying some flyers that said "If you saw this man in the day ... contact the police or the family "to which she in that brief second was able to recognize the image of the man there, ignoring that one of the young men looks at her for a moment and continues on her way.

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