Chap. 34: Ukunemba

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Francesca after a week had mastered everything from the balance between calm and the effort on her body necessary to keep her balance on one of the rocks in the middle of the river, the warrior before this asked her to now follow a tour over the other rocks in middle of the riverbed, imposing as the only condition that if he fell even on the last rock before finishing the route, he should start over. It is a new week, in the waterfall we can see the young blonde jump every three rocks to fall back into the water, her face shows great annoyance and her eyes a light so bright as to match the same fire.

Jayden: - sitting with your feet in the stream "Is that all? It took you a week to pass your test which is a record, but you are such an idiot that it took you two weeks to master the balance between emotions and serenity, you are pathetic ".

Francesca: - getting out of the water "pathetic you will be, because you don't come and try to have it if you can".

Jayden: - taking his feet out of the stream and jumping onto a tree branch "of course I already did it as you think I made the black dots on the rocks to mark your path".

Francesca: - very surprised, standing on the second rock "ooh, excuse me, I could have done them differently with you."

Jayden: - taking a small branch "I, I never do something without knowing what is the best process for my students to achieve their true virtues and to be as far as possible well ..." looking at how the girl jumps towards the fourth rock from the path, throws the small branch at her head causing her to fall into the current "... besides that if I tried to swim, the strong current would drag me until I fell down the waterfall."

Francesca: - sticking her head out of the water "What is she saying? I'm floating calmly like nothing."

Jayden: - jumping into the stream "look pathetic".

The girl with blue eyes watched very attentively as the man was dragged and fell down the waterfall, causing her to be stunned, she was going to ask him if he was okay but the warrior immediately jumped up and sat down again on another branch.

Jayden: - shaking his head to dry himself "that jump you can get when you get to a higher skill".

Francesca: - ignoring the fact that he had jumped fifteen meters "then why am I still here?"

Jayden: - "your body appears to be an exceptional talent, once you were able to give it the state of complete fullness, it is capable of maintaining it by itself as if you didn't even have to force it."

Francesca: - pensive "I see ..." her body begins to be dragged by the current, leading her to crash against a rock, showing great strength in her legs, she is able to lean on the rock to push herself to the shore.

At that moment, the young athlete stopped for a second to focus on an idea "so I can be fully without me having to order it, then I just have to focus on the point of controlling exactly the point of emotion that I use .. . "With those thoughts in her mind, the blonde is positioned to return to the rock with a jump, managing to arrive without even wavering at the time of landing, finally giving a great advance with that training, managing to surpass her record of the three rocks on eighteen, this time reaching sixteen, an hour passed and Francesca was already able to finish the course at astonishing speed.

Jayden: - jumping from the branch to the ground "tell me what time is it?".

Francesca: - taking her cell phone from the flat "five in the afternoon, why?"

Jayden: - "I think I can teach you the basics of your style."

Our girl with blue eyes was going to say something but at that moment the adult disappeared, only to reappear in a single second this time carrying a log that was attached to a rope and a wooden sword. The man gave her the weapon saying "well take and now to any of the rocks" she tried to question how it was that he had disappeared and immediately returned, without giving time to anything he disappeared, so he just did what he had Once said he was on the rock with the sword in his hands, the man reappeared this time with a huge bamboo with four others at one end that were nailed to a wheel, he tied the rope that brought a trunk to one of the four more bamboos. small, the man jumped nailing the other end of the reed in the river, leaving the trunk in front of her, who when looking at the other side of it contemplated a target.

The warrior threw a punch causing the target to begin to rotate around the girl, after doing that, he stood on the shore, exclaimed "look carefully these are the steps of your style with the sword ...", the blonde quickly interrupted "seriously does not plan to tell me how he did that appear or disappear even if it is or at least what a style is ..." the man just gave him a look of intimidation answering him "that appearing that you can do when you have greater capacity and a style is your first encounter with the tool, with that later you will be able to develop things of a higher level, in your case the one that I will teach you is the Ukunemba specialized in the precise, elegant and simple attack, now look closely and imitate memorize my movements and the position I take ", the man pretending to have a saber in his hands, separated his feet a few centimeters, exclaimed while performing the posture" once you take distance between your feet, send backwards, the same distance Start your less skillful foot by extending it a little, leaving the dominant forward and slightly flexing, this is for when you are going to attack, when you must defend yourself with your feet but this time leaving the dominant behind for greater stability "the young woman imitated these steps to then see the movements to be made with the wooden weapon, realizing that he had to hit his attacks with the tip of the saber or directly lunges that could pierce his adversary.

The girl showed these movements to accustom her body not to lose her balance on the rock while performing them, the warrior seeing how she had already perfectly copied her techniques says "well, now you must focus on hitting the center of the target to be able to polish your abilities "the girl with even greater attention than when she played tennis, hits the center of the target squarely, causing her to change her course of movement.

Francesca: - "What do you think? I already have it."

Jayden: - "no, you don't have it."

Francesca: - "What do you say? Yes I did it the first time ..." At that moment she is hit by the target that makes her fall into the water.

Jayden: - "tell me, do you already have it?"

Francesca: - going to the shore "oh, that hurt, tell me this so you can show me if I just want to perform the movements you did the other time in front of the lake in the park, I don't want to learn to fight."

Jayden: - "That is the pathetic issue, the warrior does not master and perfect the techniques in order to kill his opponent in the best way, but he does it for the very art of being able to use an art of combat without ever having to use it, now go back to the rock and continue if you want to perform the movements you saw you must have a solid base on which to lean ".

Francesca heeded the order following the steps without a few minutes passing and she was beaten again, so two more hours passed where the man told her "go away, we're done for today." The girl accepted the order resuming her things and walking away, to immediately return the wooden sword to the warrior along with a small ticket to leave permanently, with no one else in the area Jayden looked for a few seconds at the things in his hands, doing that he would show a slight smile with his lips and the memory of a young blond with curlier hair would form in his mind, immediately erasing the slight smile reading that the ticket said "Women's tennis match U16 Europe vs America", thus he disappeared without leaving any trace and taking things away.

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