Cap. 39: Vigilant.

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Tuesday of a new week, two o'clock in the morning, Emily dressed in her gray bodice, gym pants and scarf, the lower part of her face, runs between the rooftops of her neighborhood, jumps on the rusty fire escape of a humble hotel, waiting attentively for one of the many patrols to pass by. Once the vehicle passes the red and blue lights that illuminate it for a second, it goes up to the roof of the hotel, jumping to the nearest house, its landing is quite abrupt, breaking some roof tiles, she falls backwards in the patio of the home, you see movement inside the house, the chestnut gets nervous, so with all the speed she could jump the fences of the garden, following very closely hidden in the darkness to the police car, which finally she stops at a gas station, Emily hides behind some garbage cans, the patrol stays off the lights for a moment, the girl watches carefully the activity of the patrol, when an employee of the place comes out with a huge colored bag black, the person approaches the garbage cans, which causes the young woman to become very nervous, with her heart beating very fast, she covers her mouth covered by the scarf, to avoid making any sound, once the employee throws the garbage in the baskets Without noticing the girl, Emily allows herself to breathe again.

The siren of the officers begins to sound leaving the place at high speed, which makes it emit a small whisper of fear, which causes the employee to look very scared at the garbage cans, the woman does not waste time re-entering the premises At last Emily manages to take a long breath of air, ready to go up to the roof of the gas station, when again the employee goes out this time with her partner, the man brings a taser while the woman a broomstick, the man approaches slowly to the girl's hiding place, Emily knowing the risks looks for anything to distract them, managing to see a cat nearby, taking with her hands she throws it gently so that it is on top of one of the baskets, the two employees give a huge sigh of relief, which allows Emily to climb to the roof, the girl notices that the patrol is a long way from her, but can still follow the flashing lights.

The patrol arrives at a park, where they are greeted by a rather thin man, quite long brown hair tied in a ponytail, who wore dark clothes, plus a fairly well-kept black jacket, the two officers approach, the man says "I found this Woman, her body is quite rigid, I already called the forensics, take care here, I will go see if the suspect is still close ", both officers answer" Yes Detective Surgiri! ".

Emily arrives at the place where the patrol was, noticing that a man leaves Morrison Park, without wasting time he approaches as close as the trees allow him, once there he manages to see the corpse, the girl is terrified too, begins to tremble While he thinks "I-I-I-I ... I know her", in his head images of the victim with his father cross his mind, they both laughed at a beautiful dinner at their home, he thinks "it is Miss Maria Bloom. .. a few months ago he had some dates with dad, excuse me ... if maybe ... I would only have stopped the guy doing this when I had the opportunity ... ", the tears well up in his eyes, falling slowly. One of the officers feels when he falls on his cap, when he looks up, he notices a strange lump, when he illuminates it, he notices the guard, for which they try to stop him, Emily without wasting time jumps from tree to tree to lose sight of them, one one of the officers stays on the scene talking on the radio, the other chases her from the ground, when she reaches the street, the chase becomes an obstacle course, the girl using everything on the road to outrun her. her pursuer, when they turned a curve, she notices the same man who had left when she arrived at the park waiting for her ahead, while she runs towards him, she looks for a way to avoid him, realizing the street where she was, she knew that before arriving to the man with the ponytail, there was a crossing that connected the streets.

At the same time, the policemen enter the path that the guard took, both looking for footprints but nothing, he had disappeared, both policemen continued their search on the other street, going quite far from the place, Emily comes out of a box that was on the road, giving a strong sigh of relief, wiping away his tears, feeling as guilty as possible, he sets out on his way home.

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