chap. 63: Beat the Sergeant

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The silence continued, the young people could notice that their adversary was different from the other soldiers, more marked muscles, a well erect back and a frightening aura, Boris lets out a small friendly laugh saying "How good! They could with all my men in so a short time, without a doubt they must be strong ", he turns to look at his rivals with a smile, but when he watches them, his gesture changes to one of disappointment exclaiming" Children? They could with all My soldiers Children? ", this Silver worried that he took a step forward answering "What makes you think that we are young?", to which he with a tired look carried his sword to his left shoulder proclaiming "they are not dwarfs, so they are brats ... da I'll still kill them anyway. " Boris runs towards the teenagers preparing a cut lying at the waist, the one in yellow clothes jumps performing a falling cut, the impact between the metals resonates, the chestnut is surprised that his opponent could have matched his attack with one hand in strength, Taking advantage of the fact that he is in the air, he launches a semicircular kick with his right leg, which he hits squarely by moving his opponent's face, at which he smiles, without diminishing his strength.

Boris: - smiling "nice hit, but you will need more than that" taking Tyron by the ankle.

The soldier, using his right hand, throws the adolescent aside without any problem, with him still the air releases his ankle, delivering a direct right kick to the center of his chest, at that moment the blue dress and the light blue dress come into action, The black-haired woman attacks from her back with a slight cut to the back of her legs, her opponent manages to see her making a skillful change of hand, her sword now to the right, jumps avoiding the cuts and turning in the air she launches a cut lying down to her head, the girl barely manages to react in time, crouching, sliding to the side next to her partner, who changes her stab to block the enemy's attack, which has so much strength that despite the fact that she opposes with a good posture, she manages to make her retreat, to the time this happened Tyron barely had air after receiving that blow, so he went directly towards a fall outside the building, he is saved by his friend dressed in brown, he thanks by nodding while it recovers a little oxygen. The two girls move away from their opponent, the one in blue in front with her left foot in front, the sword pointing upwards held with both hands at shoulder height, the one in celeste holding her sword with her right hand while hiding the raised left behind of her partner, the blonde jumps forward, revealing the sphere of wind made by the green-eyed one, shoots directly at her opponent's abdomen, he moves to his right, letting the orb pass with an expression of great confidence, when he notices a reflection of the sun on his left was a direct cut to his forehead, so he immediately raised his weapon hitting the metals, the sergeant maintains the force which allows Alexa to approach preparing a slight incision in the abdomen, he notices his another opponent so he immediately goes back, sliding to the right leaving the two girls in front of him with their backs to him, he runs before they manage to be attentive placing his left arm between the heads As of both, he punches the black-haired woman and elbows the blonde directly in the ear.

Alexa is forced to retreat, while blocking the powerful attacks that Boris throws at her, she barely manages to block everything effectively so in a daring escape attempt to be able to recover from the blow, she slides to the left, but her enemy took advantage This hits a very small cut although it is quite deep, the girl drops her guard by stumbling while covering the bleeding in her right shoulder, Boris takes advantage of this to raise his weapon and direct a powerful attack ready to decapitate Alexa, in turn Francesca he hears a loud beep, even though he cannot keep his gait, he runs towards the soldier trying to hit a new stab, he realizes stopping his attack on Celeste's and passing his sword to his left hand, blocking the blonde's attack , while if he turns to see the wound, he takes it by the back of his head, smashing the adolescent's face against his knee a couple of times and then holding it by the upper part r from her back and toss her to the side. Francesca is able to maintain a fairly even exchange of impacts while the beep slowly disappears, when she blocks a direct cut to her head, Boris takes the opportunity to hit her stomach with force, making the girl gasp for air, decreasing her strength, the The enemy's weapon goes through his blockade, the blonde sees this in slow motion as the metal that will cut her head approaches, the beep disappears, a shout resounds from the left "Hey Idiot!", the sergeant turns looking at the yellow-clad running towards him, so he throws a sideways cut, Tyron crouches dodging him, the one with blue eyes sees the opportunity and with all his might, delivers a great right punch to the enemy's crotch, the chestnut jumps landing a side kick to the chest As the opponent rolls, he quickly straightens up keeping his sword lying in front of him, with his right hand behind the dull part, while he has his left knee as support.

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