chap. 53: Nightmare

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The wind blows with great force, in a meadow of yellow grass a little Alexa walks towards the horizon, when you look closely at her face you can see several wounds, in her hands she carries a sword, her hand trembles, after several steps she She has an expression of horror with some panic wearing, in the distance you can see how a house is heading in the middle while everything is on fire, the girl runs desperately dropping her weapon, when she gets there she sees two figures, one of her sister The older woman holding a blood-covered saber, the six-foot-six girl turns her head to see Alexa avoiding her by heading towards the other figure, that of an all-white-haired old woman in a sky-blue Greek robe while in her The abdomen shows a large wound, her sword was thrown to the side, the woman puts both hands trying to stop the bleeding, when she saw how the youngest of her granddaughters approached, she decided to smile while still pressing hard on the wound.

Alexa girl: - "Grandmother who did this?".

Alicia: - smiling "Hi honey, what are you doing here?"

Alexa girl: - clenching her fist "Grandma tell me where did this to you go, me and Valeria will take care of defeating him!".

At that moment the girl's cheek is cut, which makes her fall to the ground when she looks at her back, her sister wears some drops of blood falling down her face, Alexa does not understand what is happening, the older one approaches slowly, kicking her in the chin to the minor, sending her to fly directly to a pond that was nearby, while Alexa fell into the water, she saw how her sister threw a lunge at her grandmother while she heard how the metal pierced the meat, when she began to sink in the water, she observed As everything is stained with blood, when looking around he finds the clean figure of his black-haired sister with the golden tips and that of his grandmother with the two completely visible wounds, one on the abdomen and the other on the forehead, Before she spoke, Alicia says "calm Alex, you can avenge me when you get stronger" she smiles at these words, but the calm, sure and seductive voice of her sister exclaims "there grandmother as deluded as always, yes this being trained by Jayden, you already know who ", the old woman's gesture changes from one of calm to one of complete hatred throwing herself at her granddaughter's neck, strangling her while proclaiming" How could you sink so low in your quest for power ?! You can't betray me like this! You must not be trained by the culprit that the art of the sword is in extinction! "Little Alexa cries, feeling as if she has let her teacher down as she slowly closes her eyes due to the lack of oxygen, when at one point she hears some powerful beeps all around you.

The current Alexa slowly opens her eyes in her room to see how the maid leaves, after having opened the blinds letting in the beautiful sunlight, which illuminates the entire room, the black-haired woman stretches a bit as she gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom where he cleans his face, and then goes to his wardrobe taking black jeans with a red shirt and a light blue sweater, after changing, he goes down to the living room greeting all the employees with a huge smile, when he reaches the dining room he meets his mother who gives him a kiss on the cheek, to which the woman leaves and goes to her study, the girl has a placid breakfast. Once in the traffic to Forte, Alexa looks out the car window while the driver looks forward without saying a single word, the black-haired woman smiles but in her mind there is only the corpse of her grandmother covered in blood and the gesture expressionless of her sister, upon reaching her destination she walks very invigorated towards her friends, greeting everyone with a hug, the black-haired woman hears how Tamara and Leslie ask Emily for help with some math problems, the brunette just shakes her head , being one foot from climbing the stairs, she warns the others to continue and she will reach them. Alexa enters the women's bathroom, after making sure that no one was there, she wet her face several times, when she looked in the mirror she could not help but feel guilty, so she began to cry, inside she thinks "Sorry, sorry, grandma, I know that you would hate me for being a student of Grandmaster Jayden, but I hope you understood that this is the only way I can get revenge! " He finished wiping his face, smiling again as he retired.

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