Chap. 48: Fiu

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A few minutes had passed since the detective had informed the teenagers about what happened in the city, while everyone else lamented the warrior carrying the redhead on his shoulder leaving him lying under a tree. Emily let out a couple of tears when she heard Matias say "they have confirmed all the deaths, they are ... one hundred and fifty ...", the teenagers felt guilty for not having acted in this situation, the officer kept his gaze down while clenching his fists tightly, Jayden spoke "Surgiri! You should go, your teammates need you.

Matias: - looking at the ground "you're right".

Tyron: - curious "I wonder if it has to do with that place that Antonio looked at so much".

Matias: - looking up "What place?".

Tyron: - "a restaurant".

Matias: - thoughtful "because of the hours plus that restaurant ..." surprised "It is very possible that he was going to attack his last target, but in the middle of the afternoon it would have been a scandal ... that would make us alert ... and therefore part of the police force will abandon various places in case there is a hostage situation. "

The patrol radio rang again, the detective after hearing the message changed his face to one of fury walking towards the unconscious redhead, Alexa took him by the arm stopping him saying with a serious expression "remember that we are on the same side, so share your information. "

Matias: - angry "In all the shooters the same combination of drug and protein has been found present as in him! Right now I am going to question him, if he delivers to his supplier ...!" pointing to Antonio.

Jayden: - cleaning an ear "I don't think you can Surgiri, the brat is practically in a cerebral coma, as if on hiatus, even though he heals his body, the wounds do not mean that he can eliminate all the garbage that he has running in his body, which is what keeps him that way. "

Matias: - angry "If you realize that there must be some unhappy person who planned this, he can have another plan and tell me what you want but I doubt that this child is the brain behind those attacks!".

Jayden: - walking to his porch "well luck, because you are not a doctor and there is no way you can wake him up earlier".

Matias: - angry "So help me, help Guarly use some of those things of yours to be able to have information, to at least be more calm that there is not going to be another attack!".

Francesca: - it would be "Mr. Matias, he's right help us so we can save lives ...".

Jayden: - eyes closed "it's their city, they should be able to find a solution on their own".

Emily: - "yes, but now we don't need that, if not act fast, please teacher give us something to help us!"

Jayden: - eyes widening "if they depend so much on my skills, they can never get where they want, that's why I train them."

Tyron: - "Now teach us something that will help us wake up Antonio!"

Jayden: - looking sternly at everyone "What's more? They've got me tired, they've learned basic things and still get beat up by normal people, more knowledge when they can't even use what they already have correctly."

The black-haired woman analyzed the discussion, imagining how several families must be suffering from what has happened, she motivates her to take a step forward, with her bright eyes she says "We are on the right track, I know that we are pathetic, useless and others, we depend much of you, but right now we do not ask you as people concerned about your city, but as your students who want to help the innocent! ", those words seemed to make the warrior think, who after meditating for a moment said" well, I'll teach them something a bit advanced and maybe rarely useful, understood, "the teenagers nodded as they sat around him.

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