chap. 33: Passion

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Two weeks have passed since Francesca managed to finish her test, in all that time her teacher has only taught her to stand on tiptoe on some rocks in front of the waterfall, although it sounds like something mundane Francesca has spent all that time failing without even being able to hold out for a minute without falling into the water, with each of her attempts the blonde only felt her anger rise, that simply disappeared in a short time since it didn't take much longer than her first fall, for someone like She supposes that the adult would have left a trick to be able to pass this training, with that in mind every time she fell she asked her teacher who only answered "you have a lot of fire", leaving her doubtful about the hidden message that would be in that sentence.

In the present in that immense place where Francesca usually trains, we can see her, play hand-in-hand against the wall, returning each bounce of the ball at an almost superhuman speed, although normally when she does that her face shows a more serious gesture now Even more, it seems to be very focused on something external, I reflected "Fire? The most normal thing is that it should refer to passion, or with the power in which I do it but it does not make sense, it is to be standing on a couple of rocks ... "instinctively his eyes cut off his thoughts by focusing on the ball that is heading to his left a few meters away, as a perfectly calibrated machine intercepts the movement of the ball, returning it with brutal force to the other end of where it came from, returning to his thoughts." .. maybe it can refer to a specific way to stop me, NO !, that's stupid, maybe ... "again the direction of the ball makes it move, since with the force that returned it this He simply increased the power of his movements by heading directly to leave the court, his reaction is to simply follow her, like a predator stalking his prey, he manages to get in his way with a jump to return with one hand directly to the ground.

"... let's see it must be something related to my person, like each of her things, Mr. Confucius does not speak if it is not for something she has physically, begsically or emotionally" being consumed by her ideas she said this aloud To her bad luck, at the same time, an athletic man, blond, with blue eyes, was entering, wearing her sports clothes, who upon hearing that from her daughter did not hesitate to ask with a smile "Who is Confucius?" Our protagonist simply widened her eyes in surprise, she landed perfectly, she rested for a few seconds thinking about how to act in front of the adult, she quickly turned around ignoring her eyes from the ball to look directly at her father with her normally calm gesture, she said " hello, dad, what are you doing here at this time? "

Alexandre: - "Well ... It's already too late and I decided to come find you".

The man notices how the ball is directed at a brutal speed towards the head of his daughter who was on her back, he was going to try to warn him but the girl without even turning to see her, catches it with one hand.

Francesca: - "I don't believe you, after all, since it's not the first time that I train here at eight o'clock".

Alexandre: - "Well, you're right, it was more for you to continue with your sleep routine and the meals that await you at home."

Francesca: - "I see ..." throwing the ball into the air to start rebounding with his racket "well since you came you will surely want to see if I have improved since I directed my own training".

Alexandre: - "But what do you say daughter? ... although I never reject a challenge" pulling off her gym pants, to show her tennis shorts, putting on a cap and taking out the racket that was stuck to her back.

Francesca: - "Yes, of course, make sure it is a quick game, the first to reach three wins".

Her father smiled with immense confidence at this challenge, about fifteen minutes passed and the match was over, with the adult kneeling before the tremendous superiority that his daughter demonstrated.

Francesca: - "Well let's go, see now, I'm in a good level" turning around.

Alexandre: - standing up "Fran, that was great, I had never played you with such passion, surely your soul burns to face the European, right?".

Francesca remembered why she had been throwing shots against a wall, she thinks "I can't say I was here because I couldn't stand on rocks, that's pathetic" the girl only attended to say yes while she held a grudge from all the times she was had fallen. A new day begins at six o'clock in the morning with the young woman standing on the rocks and all wet while Jayden watches her from the shore as she fights hard against sleep.

The blonde does not last half a minute that falls into the water, and of course each fall is accompanied by the warrior saying "pathetic", the girl only attends to keep that fury so the man is humiliating her by trying again. After an hour has passed and a little fed up with not being able to do it, she questions the man "Why ?!" to which the man replied "you put too much fire" causing the young woman to only take her hair while she was enraged by answering "What the hell do you mean by fire ?!" to which he only said "I thought that being an athlete you would understand that immediately I see that I was wrong". The girl's attention was attracted by the last words of her teacher, letting out a sigh, reflecting on her memories and all the falls she had suffered in that tortuous task, in her mind they cross each time she places her feet on the rocks feeling a vibration produced by the current of the water, continues without understanding where that of the fire enters that occupation until the words of his father resound in his mind "... your soul burns ..." when realizing this only attends to ask the warrior again "Are you referring to passion?"

Jayden: - yawning "may be".

Francesca: - "if you don't plan to tell me, I'll just try to check it out."

The girl returned to the rocks this time tensing her body to be one with the rocks, but it was useless, she fell anyway and with that fall she managed to hear the warrior say "too much fire", at this Francesca realizes that To achieve the waterfall he had to enter that state of calm, this time he tried to cause that feeling of relaxation in his entire being, which anyway fell on a new account, but this time he received a different comment from Jayden "you lack fire."

Francesca: - thinking "THAT'S IT! I have to find the balance point between tension and fullness".

In this attempt, our blonde slightly tense her muscles while calming her entire body, exerting a great level of concentration, this time managing to stand much more on the rocks causing the warrior an evil smile while saying "girl already It's seven fifteen, you shouldn't ... "the young woman reacts with a huge surprise causing her to return to the water while saying" THE SCHOOL! ", the girl simply left without saying anything to her since she was arriving after all late for the first time in his life, besides that he already had the key to progress in his work.

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