chap. 8: Capture

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Alexa is hugged by her friends, with the builders wondering how the girl got to the top so fast, to which the girl just looks in amazement remembering that she named the toad man. Already in the house of our protagonist, we see how Alexa tells her friends all happy and positive about the toad man ending "I swear to you girls, without even flexing his legs, he jumps to another building!", The others answered very incredulously " You are a bad friend "," if it was also a miracle that when you almost died suddenly you appear up there, just thinking about it makes me afraid of losing you "while she squeezes her cheeks with her hands.

Very late at night in the same home, in Alexa's room while her friends are sleeping, the girl walks from one side to the other very thoughtful, going out to the balcony of her room the girl only lets out a big sigh and remembers the incredible feat of her savior, very animated yells "it's decided, frogman next time we meet you will teach me to jump like this!" although to her surprise someone would scold her saying "Alexa it's two in the morning, go to sleep, you must be fine for school" to which the girl after listening to her mother gives herself a little blow to the head, with a Clumsy face, he throws himself back onto his bed, surrendering himself to Morpheus's arms.

After school without noticing anything strange, the girl just spent that day like everyone helping in a nursing home with a big smile, animal rescue and to finish in a home construction team, she returned home to remember her goal, reconnect with whoever he wants to be his teacher, to which he calls his friends to tell them his great plan "Tamara, Leslie listen to my plan to catch the frogman." After hearing the plan, only as true friends answered the girl with a big "we will not help you, it is very dangerous", to which Alexa replied with a lot of positivity "come on think about it if it appeared to save me and the kitten, maybe if I am in danger again, it will appear. " Without being able to reason with her, the two girls only had to agree with the idea of putting her in danger tomorrow afternoon to see if the mysterious one appeared to her rescue.

In the central park of the city which was very beautiful, well cared for and with a beautiful lake in the center. The plan to capture to catch the hero had been put into action with Alexa checking that his friends were in their required positions.

Alexa: - "Tamara ready with the network".

Tamara: - "yes boss" (very serious) hiding in a bush.

Alexa: - "Leslie drops the barrels full of water."

Leslie: - "friend I don't think it's a good idea yet, just think about it Alex."

Without saying more, her good friend just replied "please friend is the only way I can think of to be able to meet that guy again." Without further discussion Leslie releases about twenty barrels that begins to roll towards our protagonist, who to improve the act says very worried "Oh NO! Those evil Barrels will crush me, Someone who jumps as a mutant save me" it should be noted that he says this last with a raised leg and with the hands making a supplication.

Being a second of being hit, the girl is saved ... by a boy with black hair with freckles who remains on her looking into her eyes, Alexa who was with her eyes closed opens them very happy thinking that her hero had returned to only to find a bad surprise saying "mmm, you're not the one I'm looking for! Get out!"

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