chap. 24: Style

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Emily is training as usual in the forest, largely concentrated on her activity of blocking the rocks, the teacher approaches where she was, stopping the machine and finishing that part of the training.

Teacher: - "go your capacities have increased a lot, you achieved from fifteen seconds to three minutes, it is a good advance".

Emily: - "thank ... thank you, now that you are going on" she wipes the beads of sweat from her forehead by supporting her full weight on her legs.

The warrior looked at her for a second, I contemplated his dull gaze, although he had seen her in recent days without that normal brightness, although that cold gaze allowed him to progress but it seemed that the light that they shot before had now been hidden, he only sighed Going towards the bokken, he took both of them back to look at his student who was still recovering his energy, after a few seconds he threw one of the bokken hitting her causing her to fall backwards to the ground. The girl said HEAR WHAT HAPPENS! "At the end of the sentence, she realized that she had the adult in front of her, ready to hit her with the wooden sword, at that moment her anger and everything else disappeared.

The adult in a swift movement attacks the young woman, who without wasting time realizing that she could not take the other sword, it occurred to her to block with her forearms, initiating a fight in which she had everything to lose, the The man's swift attacks far surpassed her, she only looked for a gap through which to escape, focusing on blocking the attacks that looked more damaging.

The young woman continues to crawl while she continues to receive the blows of the adult, when she notices the proximity of a tree behind her in the face of the strongest movement that he had made so far, she risks supporting her hands strongly on the ground, to give herself momentum, achieving being able to raise his entire body with only his hands as support, he rises dodging just in time the destructive attack that leaves the place with a small crater. Emily in the air manages to take one of the branches of the tree, to then let go, falling back to the battlefield but this time standing up, she looks at the adult saying "WHAT THIS MADNESS COULD HAVE KILLED ME ?!" the result was the same, the man was already in an attack, which he manages to dodge, despite only having released a great air current, several trees that were in that direction fell with perfect cuts.

She realized that resisting combat was useless, she had to fight, she took the position with which she had been training waiting for the blows of her master, this time she blocked almost all of them, only some that exceeded her reaction speed by crossing her shield, keeping a fair fight, until when he thought he saw an opening he tries to hit the warrior, who with the tip of the weapon deflects his fist to the ground and with skillful precision places his weapon on the girl's neck, exclaiming "five minutes".

Emily: - surprised and tired "U ... sorry ... excuse me?"

Teacher: - "you can already use blocking techniques in real combat, it's time to teach you a style with your own sword for you"

Emily: - even more surprised with her mouth open "What?"The man approached her, taking her by the back of her clothes, lifting her up, giving her the bokken that he was wearing, he said "What don't you understand now?", The girl could only give up asking that strange practice by calling that in some way , just ask "What do you mean by style?" He looked at her and pointed the bokken that he had previously thrown at her while saying "in this type of arts, there are millions and infinite types of style that can be adapted according to what you are looking for or your personality, in your case the Védelem will do well. , a defensive style focused on disarming your opponent or knocking him out without hurting him"Emily: - "But won't you teach me to cut?"

Teacher: "What for? If you are not cutting".

Emily: - "Of course not, if you just hit me and I just have to let myself get hit."

Teacher: "that does not go with you, I gave you an opportunity to knock me down before making that hole, but you simply discarded that idea and preferred to escape the conflict, when you accepted that you should fight, for five minutes you never wanted to counterattack more than just once ".

Faced with these arguments, the girl realized that she was right so she deigned to look and listen carefully to the words of her teacher, who stands in front of her flexing her legs while saying "look carefully this is the basic position In this style, separate your feet a little, bend your legs, knees pointing outwards, relax your abdomen, take the tool by placing your right hand at the bottom of the handle and the other hand on top of it and finally bring your arms towards a side leaving the central point of the sword covering your head, this is the basic position now, do the same ".

Emily imitates each step exactly, looking at her teacher who says "fine, but I'll tell you something that this style is wrong, in that position there is a huge waste of physical strength, but it is resolved by making this minimal change, put your hand Left at the bottom of the handle and the right at the top, you will notice that now your forearms will be crossed ... "Emily only observed the small change to her position when she heard a resounding" good "from her teacher after that a loud The blow hits her wooden sword causing her to just close her eyes without losing her position, a great gust of wind seems to stun the area, when she opens her eyes she realizes that nothing happened to her, listen to the words of her teacher " I think these list we are going to start ... "moving away from it" ... I hope that with this you understand a fundamental concept, and that is that I give you a style, but once you have it, you can modify it as many things as you Come on, I'm teaching you Going to stand up, now it's your turn to do the rest. "

Some weeks passed and Emily spent it training learning the techniques, supporting and improving the postures of how she placed her arms if she had to tense or relax her muscles, the days were fierce in which she only blocked with more and more precision the warrior's attacks. getting a great improvement in their skills.

One day when she arrived at the cabin, she saw how her teacher was waiting for her.

Emily: - "Hello teacher!"

Teacher: - "Well, I think it's time for us to train in the backyard of my house."The young woman moves away a little hiding behind a tree to take off her coat showing that she was already wearing her training clothes, when she said that she was ready she saw how the warrior smiled at her and then said "well, we have to train ... . "The young woman opened her eyes very surprised, contemplating how the adult was apparently melting, until there was only a huge clay mace on the ground, Emily looked at this in horror and with an expression of fear she shouted" AAAAHHHHH! "

Continues in Ch. 37

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