chap. 50: Special techniques

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A new week begins in Guarly, it is three in the morning, several guards from the police station are tired after making their rounds making sure that their only prisoner is well waiting for the vehicle that will take him to the prison on the day of Today, the central corridor that crosses in front of the entrance of the armory is usually well lit, an officer says goodbye to his colleague who is taking the inventory, although the lights in the corridor are flashing, he continues to walk to the entrance, but not before leaving everything his police clothes, only carrying his badge and weapon, the subject greets the woman at the reception saying "see you tomorrow Johnson" when he does not receive an answer he walks away from the door, entering the reception where his partner should be, at the being there is the woman lying on the floor covered in blood, she approaches taking her pulse, but there is nothing, she was already dead looking for a radio while taking her weapon, when looking through the glass of the reception she sees a subject from Dark skin, white tousled hair, a small mustache, the officer pointed at him but he had already disappeared, the man gave an alert on the radio, when he returned to the corridor of the police station he saw how there are traces of blood that go to the cells at least He takes a flashlight walking there, on the way he sees how the door of the armory is open by the body of one of his companions, when taking his pulse I notice that he is also dead, in addition to that he had a large cut in his throat , the officer ran to the cell at once, noticing that the bloody prints were gone, he reached the cell where Maximus was, the man wipes his sweat, when he feels something metallic enter his back and exit his abdomen, he he feels his strength disappear, looking at his abdomen, he sees a huge blade come out suddenly, which makes the officer fall as he watches the green-haired man smile and before he can see his attacker, his skull is pierced by a machete.

Maximus: - happy "Thank you for coming boss I knew you would not abandon me!"

¿?: Cleaning the edge of his weapon "Were the users of the sword you said strong?"

Maximus: - smiling "You have no idea, the last thing I remember before waking up here was that I was hit and I was shot against something!".

¿?: - smiling "I get excited just thinking about facing them" pulling out another machete.

Maximus: - "Yes boss, you will make them know hell in life!".

¿?: - cutting the lock of the cell "yes, although it was part of the deal I have with that Captain of the directory, that you came to this city hehe".

Maximus tried to leave his cell but his boss pushed him with a kick making him crash into the wall, the muscle's happiness disappeared as he watched the smile that formed on the white-haired man's face, Maximus began to tremble as he heard how his The leader told him "Oh, Maximus, I did not come to free you, I have only come to make sure you do not compromise the contract", screams echoed throughout the police station, blood and guts stained the walls and ceiling accompanied by the audible sounds of metal skinning meat. It is six o'clock in the morning the entire police station is cordoned off, Matias Surgiri goes inside the place, meeting the criminalists taking photos of the corpses, he simply puts on his aviator glasses, following another officer to the real scene he was in the cells, being in front of the compound that belonged to Maximus, he was disgusted and surprised, completely ignoring the officer killed by the completely open corpse of the prisoner, you could see how they had opened all his skin exposing his muscles, abdomen He let see his stomach and other guts, a blow is heard behind his back, it was the coroner who had fainted before such atrocity, Matias realized that the lock of the cell had been cut cleanly by some sharp object, which It made him think "Jayden, I hope you didn't do this motherfucker."

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