chap. 60: The Liz Tower

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The beautiful light of the moon illuminates the streets of Guarly in the early hours of this Monday, a woman wearing a ski mask runs from a couple of shadows that have been chasing her for about nine streets, makes a tight turn, going through the space between two buildings, due to inertia he hits some garbage cans, places his back against the wall, looking towards the building in front, something moves at the end of his path, which makes him point there immediately, but he does not see anything, something jumps out of a building to the other, he lifts his gaze, they manage to see how someone had finished climbing on that roof, before he managed to return his gaze to the street a bat is stamped on his face, causing some teeth to fly, Topacio wore a yellow jacket, some gym pants next to a running shoe and two yellow scarves that covered his face, he says "home run" in that and notices that his partner in gray tracksuit leave the thief tied to a bench screwed to the ground, and jump straight to another building. The two guards continue their rounds between buildings until they reach a small antenna, where Plata sits down to think, the brunette arrives taking off his two scarves, he sees the depressed posture of his friend, so he puts the clothes in one of the pockets, He sits next to the girl, when he can only see her eyes, he notes that they are crystal clear, he thinks for a moment, then he says "Hey! I didn't know it was so difficult to run with a scarf covering mouth and nose haha".Emily: - looking at him for a moment, demotivated "yes, it costs" returning her gaze to the streets.

Tyron: - looking at the buildings, seriously "I know you strange that things were like before that week but ...".

Emily: - shedding a tear "it can't be helped, since Alexa told us the truth and we saw her abilities, neither of them has come to patrol."

Tyron: - looking at the starry sky "yes, you know how those two are proud they will not befriend until one accepts the reason for the other".

Emily: - wiping her tears "I know and although I get along much better with Alex than with Fran, I cannot deny that she is right that if she had used her skills we might not have failed the city."

Tyron: - closing his eyes "yes, the worst thing is that even if the other two solve their things, it does not mean that we can return to train with the teacher".

Emily: - standing up "that was my fault, I deserved to leave the training, the others did not".

Tyron: - opening his eyes, getting up and placing a hand on Emily's shoulder "No! The teacher was right, we also supported you, because we believed like you that it was the best for Guarly, we did not stop to think about that we were breaking the rules. "

Emily: - looking Tyron in the eye, crying "I'm sorry!".

Tyron: - hugging Emily, letting her cry on her shoulder "Emi calm down, you'll see it only takes time for this to be solved, also in the meantime ...".

They are alerted by the roar of a police siren in the distance, the brunette checks his phone, reading a message from the detective that says "Run armed robbery on 9th avenue!", He keeps his cell phone, he smiles at the girl continuing " ... let's take care of the city ", jumping towards a building, the girl is happy, but realizes that her friend is missing something, so she shouts" COVER YOU! ", he does not understand the reason for that cry, until she realizes that she had not put the scarves on her face and when trying to put it on while she is in the air, she loses the sense of landing crashing into a wall, Emily makes a gesture of pain, feeling sorry for Tyron, jumps to help him and then both head to stop the criminals.

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