chap. 10: Subtle Movements

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Monday morning in Guarly specifically six thirty, a young tennis player is practicing against the machine at a high level watched by who should be her coach. After just not being able to return a shot, the training stops, the whistle barely blows the blonde girl walks, takes a big sip of water and takes a seat as the man approaches her saying "as always Francesca, your backhand is impressive but You need to improve your resistance, with the time remaining for the next competition I will surely finish training you ". Francesca just gets up and takes off her cap, answering "if daddy as the daughter of a five-time world champion, of course I'll be ready", finishing up and changing her tennis clothes for just sports clothes, they both say goodbye, the father going to work and the girl to what looks like his morning jog.

In the central park Francesca already completes her eighth round of the lake, running out of breath, being already half past seven, she enjoys the tranquility that the place gives off, taking a big sip of that air and puffing she prepares to go to her At home, when something catches his attention, it turns out to be a group of boys where he sees a boy his age with a slim, Latino appearance who, together with his friends, run fast since they were apparently running late.

Francesca, seeing the uniforms recognized, only thinks "they are the losers of Forte, that school is for pure problem boys and girls", resuming her trot she sees a man in a light blue diver, black hair, black pants and black sneakers with white lines near the lake , stopping to observe him to see what he is doing. The stranger only takes some branches, splitting them into several pieces, he takes a position of what seems to be a fight, throws all the pieces of stick towards the sky, catching each one, guiding it through what it would seem with the air, having everything together in the form of new to what they were originally, without stopping their graceful and neat movements. Apparently one of the pieces tries to escape from her reach to which this without even losing concentration, catches the last one, forming the complete branches again only for when she stops the branches will separate.

The girl is amazed by her abilities, when trying to get closer, she would notice that she had disappeared, leaving her with a great intrigue that would be momentarily forgotten by the need that she was in the park when she had to continue her training.

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