chap. 31: Destiny

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Francesca our young woman with golden hair that floats around her as she plunges into the depth of darkness to fall on a well lit golden path, her eyes are sad her athletic arms do not want to help her reach the shiny surface, each time her His body approaches the golden road, his body seems to disobey his orders to try to get away, when his bare foot gently touches the beautiful path, he manages to return to reality by coming to the surface, his breath approaches the shore, he removes the Swimming cap throwing it hard to the ground, his frustration is perceptible, he brings his knees together resting his head on them, he releases a gentle sigh, returning his gaze to the top of the waterfall.

He sees that what that stranger asked him was something impossible, thinking that it is something that only a salmon could achieve such a request, it took a moment for him to remember how his father said with a smile "Always continue despite not being able to see you I will never leave to encourage you ", that was enough for him to get back on his feet, slipping his swimming cap back on his head, jumping back into the water when he was a short distance away, he started his way to climb the water, the pulse of the waterfall surpassed by much her forces sending her to the depths of the river, with great skill she manages to compose herself to return to the surface trying again, the girl's will is very strong because despite the fact that in each attempt she is thrown into the depth of the minilago in no single second he gives up, after spending quite some time, Francesca comes out of the water drying her hair to tie it in a ponytail, quickly putting her athletic clothes over her swimming suit and when she was tying her sneakers hears some branches rustling turning his gaze noticing that the man approached him saying "What do you think you're doing? You haven't finished the test yet "the blonde just stood up with a strong look into the adult's eyes. She exclaimed" of course not, and when I come back I will continue but now I must go to fulfill my obligations so ... "running towards the city ​​"... Goodbye."

Celeritas the most powerful school in all Guarly, only geniuses are allowed to enter such a majority, whether intellectual or physical, those with talent and vast resources manage to attend it, hundreds of boys in uniform wear their uniform with pride, after all The soft red colors with the gold initials embroidered by hand, with either pants or the gray skirt with green lines looked good whatever they say. In the classroom of first-a Francesca is in front of the blackboard solving some annotations at an enormous speed, at the end she returns the marker to her teacher who was observing everything she had done with her mouth open, our blonde with blue eyes hopes that her As an adult tell you if what you did is okay, who is already a little annoyed by the lady's astonished face pretends to cough to remind her of her work, the woman reacts by saying "very well Miss Sejuk, you can retire, it is very impressive that you resolved this compound You can withdraw from class ... "Francesca only turned around, probing her beautiful hair while receiving envious looks from all her classmates, she walked the lonely corridors of the institution, when she remembers that her best friend would be free at this time, He runs towards the gym, opening its doors suddenly to find the tall, athletic young man with very light brown hair accompanied by beautiful green eyes. Beast the basketball uniform, ignoring the presence of Francesca, causing her to approach him from behind giving him a little scare saying "hahaha Demons Fran, how's everything going?"

Francesca: - sitting in the next steps "well, what about your Gregorio?".

Gregorio: - practicing his dunks "I'm happy for you ... How are you doing with your training to face the Russian girl?".

Francesca: - "well, I know I will win".

Gregorio: - "that's something I love about you ..." practicing your plays with throws "... you exude confidence".

Francesca: - "Look who says it the captain of five different sports".

The young people laughed, hanging out with a comfortable chat that was very normal for them, when the recess bell rang Francesca retired knowing the number of girls who would run to see her friend train, so she spent the whole day with nothing "special" for such raw talent as her. A new day began with Francesca swimming to try to climb the waterfall again although she kept failing, after failing about thirty times she thinks it is stupid to try such madness, when she goes through her mind in search of an answer, she returns to the day that the man told her the week last "you want to do those movements huh, you just have to get calm ..." with this in his mind he takes his mind to clear both his head and the rest of his body of another action which was not his test, jumping to This time the water manages to start to rise the strong current of the waterfall, halfway through the image of his training with his father appear causing him to lose that state of calm that he had achieved by being thrown by the waterfall into the depths again.

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