Chap. 1: The hero

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In a world dominated by the powerful, talented, liars, and rich. Where the truth is so rare, together with true friendship, four teenagers will meet an individual who will change their lives for better or for worse.

We meet in the city of Guarly, a place not very recognized, there are approximately 156,000 people, in one of the largest secondary schools, a Latin boy with brown hair, accompanies his friends, who look quite old at the age of the young man. 13-year-old who only laughs at the things they talk about, the group while heading to the nearest mall. They continue their tour accompanied by a few carbonated drinks, between laughter and nonsense.

The group is about to leave the place, when the people who were inside begin to scream and flee with all their might trying desperately to disappear from there, the friends only turn their heads to see what happens. Those moments of smiles and happiness They were changed by a terrible panic that consumed them and kept them immobile when they could observe the reason for the scandal that occurred in that mall.

A kind of well-armed reconnaissance team, they shoot left and right at any living being that did not have enough courage to move or those who wanted to pass themselves off as heroes only fell from a shot from their rifles. Our poor children gather what little courage they have left to run away from there, the older boys run away as quickly as possible without looking back, when one of the group of white teas with freckles and black hair, watches as the youngest of them keeps looking at the murderers who just littered the mall with the warm blood of poor innocents. Without thinking the older one yells "Tyron run!", To which the younger only looks at him for a second and with a smile to disguise all his internal fear, runs towards these monsters without any mercy.

The young man ran fast and throwing himself into a sports store hiding behind a wall of shoe boxes, he takes a tennis racket and a baseball helmet, once placed he looks out to see that advanced equipment and his mind is invaded by hundreds of thoughts "But what do I do? Should I run? Do I let them die? What can I do? I'm just a miserable child Why did I have to see them?", he tries again to see the reason why he decided to face the danger behind a table, an adult man hugging what could be his two daughters, to avoid being killed next to the corpse of a woman who was his mother and if the situation does not seem to worsen, the team of soldiers begin to walk towards them enjoying of the macabre work of blood and pain that they left in the place.

After this, the young man only released a tear and without further ado he went out to confront with the slight hope that at most those people could escape, the soldiers see him and without saying anything they laugh at the stupidity of this child who thinks he can stop them. Although the conviction of the young man would be enough to move a mountain, one of those adults only takes one kick to send him to the ground and another to throw a few meters. Leaving Tyron on the ground writhing in pain, who when turning his gaze towards his attacker, who now points his weapon at him ready to kill him, before doing so seems to be mocking with his companions how he would kill him and already ready to add to a More victim for the worst day in Guarly town.

The brave Tyron can only watch as the man and the girls leave the place without even turning to see how they finished off their hero. "This is my end, I'm dead, is this how I have to die? At least I will carry out a good deed" the boy thought as a bullet shot out at him ...

... When in a second something happens that would convince even him more atheist that God and miracles exist. The young man, if he was contemplating a man of apparent 30 years, was standing in front of him and defending himself with nothing more than with a knife from one of the restaurants that were there, it seems that with only that small instrument he managed to cut the bullet in half or divert it.

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