chap. 40: Threat.

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In the early start of a Monday in Guarly, four shadows jump from building to building, running in search of action, each carrying the wooden imitation of a sword, after finding no problem they stop on the roof of a office building. The four looked to the ground to identify any possible criminal, with nothing abnormal for one in the morning, one of them continues to remove the yellow cloth that hid his mouth and nose.

Tyron: - "hey, I'm the only one who is a little disappointed, that after a week being vigilantes, we have only arrested a car thief and an escape attempt".

At that moment the other three exchanged glances, a few seconds passed and the one with dark blue cloth takes it off.

Francesca: - "What did you expect? It's not like this has improved much, after all we go out from midnight to four in the morning, if we find something we have to wait for Mr. Welter to tell us if we can act or not ".

The one with the blue cloth, he also takes it off, saying with a huge smile "well, you know it serves to test our skills", the other two upon hearing this, became depressed, remaining seated releasing a huge sigh. The girl in the light brown cloth, looked back at the ground, then sat down while trembling slightly, took off what covered her mouth and nose, saying "Why do we have to be so high?".

Francesca: - "I'm surprised you didn't think about it while we were going up" loosening his wristbands.

Tyron: - "I think Emily is very ignorant of what she does, after she realizes she regrets hehehe ..." is beaten.

Francesca: - hitting Tyron on the head "leave it, enough that the teacher has already given us these heavy things to carry".

Alexa: - looking at the weights on her wrists "It makes me quite angry but I'll accompany you blonde, with these things it is very easy that we are limiting ourselves".

Emily: - shaking "if you remember that he said he weighed ten kilos each and one last thing, how will we get down from here?"

The young people exchanged glances, realizing that the ascent was difficult, but the descent would be total risk, their eyes had changed from fatigue to all of concern, the young black-haired woman looked everywhere, focusing on the edges of the windows, she exclaimed " I have it that seems like this to you, we jump over the edge until we get as close as possible, in order to get to that parking area ... ", at that moment the blonde interrupted saying" you say it very easy but, I don't think Emily ends well having to look down from an eighty-story building ", the blue-eyed young woman began to look for another solution, noticing that she has some considerable distance from a good jump, she said" look, this is just as dangerous, but much faster .. . ", the young man with the brown tees got up, looking at what had to be done and exclaimed," if you realize that we would have to cover about two hundred meters in a single jump ", the blonde only attended to hit him on the back of the neck , for with test him "of course I know that, for that reason it is not coming directly from the jump, but rather that we must take advantage of the angle of inclination. The brunette and the black-haired woman could only place a few gestures of doubt before what the blonde had finished saying, Emily noticed the doubt of her companions saying, "The angle of inclination would be that when we jump we must go towards a certain height and direction."

Francesca after making the consequent calculations, looked at the challenge, go down to a sixty-story building in a single jump, taking into account the distance they would have to travel, exclaimed "to achieve it, you must jump at an angle of thirty-five degrees, then do it. The rest is just dropping, following the trajectory you could land safely, who goes first? ". The girls did not take long to select the first to jump, the blonde placed the young brown, who could not help saying "Why do I have to be the first ?!", to which the blonde did not take long to respond while shaking her head from the young man to the required angle "You are the dumbest of all here, so if you can do it by following everything I said, the rest of us can."

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