Chap. 2: Kill everyone

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The young 13-year-old Tyron keeps looking at who seems to be his hero who ignores his presence and changes position to just be more relaxed and starts chatting with the team of assassins who see him and cannot help but tremble for some strange reason when alone has a kitchen knife.

"So tell me, the director has decided that this province will now belong to him" said the stranger as he raised his hand with the knife towards them, the soldiers without answering him directly only spoke among themselves and doubtful the one who had hit the child pointed his weapon trusting and In rage the vile murderer of innocents shot mercilessly in the hope of ending his nagging problem. "That man can't be real, he's not real, I must be in a fucking nightmare if I only had the strength to take out my cell phone and record it, I didn't even see when it happened" Tyron thought because when the shots rang out almost as if the stranger were flying He stabbed his attacker with a surprising technique, "I think with this act I have shown that I am the one who was warned that I would appear if they attacked this region" said the dark-haired man with black hair with a defiant smile to the damn assassins.

The gaze of the joyful assassins changed to internal and wild fear that in a blink of an eye began combat against the stranger, they fired with fury and without failing it seemed that their bullets never reached their target that with a demonic speed moved the hand in which he had the knife so fast deflecting and cutting the bullets as if it were paper, with a jump he was in the middle of the team of bastards, he opened his legs as if it were a compass and sent two of the four that were in the team to crash against the columns from the mall. As if it were lightning, it hit one of the two remaining members of the team, breaking the helmet that protected his skull and without giving his partner a chance to cut his throat, killing him without even breathing, one of those who had crashed into the column He rises invaded by a blind fury pulling out his combat knife ready to have a duel against his enemy who just looks at him and says "Are you an idiot? I'm just saying that after all I killed three of the five who were and really do you think what can you kill me with that shit? " and without hesitation the soldier rushed to his opponent who in a quick, simple, short movement, knocked down the soldier who died instantly. Only one was left alive who tried to flee with a face that begged for mercy collides with the one from whom he wanted to escape who only looks at her saying "and then they say that women are good and want equality, you know that I will kill you like your companions so that they do not your leader thinks that I am pro feminism, you know "with a smile and closed eyes, to which the woman took out her knife and tried to stab him, who in a quick movement finished her by stabbing her own knife in her throat.

As a worthy samurai I dedicate a bow to them as if thanking them for having entertained him, he returns walking towards the boy with two knives in his hands, he squats down to the young man who looked still surprised and scared in case the man was going to finish him, who dedicated a Look with those dark dark eyes, he smiled at her and, shaking his hair with his hand with the restaurant knife, he placed it in the child's hand and in the other the military knife. The stranger gets up and just as he appeared he left the place, leaving the expectant young man who, after having seen how I ended up with the military, knew that if that subject wanted him dead he would already be, he had no problems taking lives and had the ability to defeat Whoever it was.

Tyron observes the knives in his hands to what he hears the sirens that indicated the arrival of the police who enter the shopping mall and point at the young man shouting "Stop there you damn!"

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