chap. 17: Deserved

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The blows against the log have not stopped for two days, Tyron lied to his parents to be able to dedicate himself full time to his test, on his last day he already annoyed at not having achieved anything, while he keeps his camp, he consults Jayden "hey old man, why can't I advance with the task if after so many blows I have given him? " To which the warrior, without turning to look at him, replied "How old is it, son of your sociable mother? And look no idea where did you get that you will transform a log into a table with pure blows, use a puco the common sense click dwarf "walking away from the place muttering" How old is it? I'm barely twenty-eight. "

Already on the bus, Tyron makes a call to the person who asked him to cover him "Hi Antonio, thank you so much for covering while training", to which the redhead replied "no problem, after all now we are at hand". Back at home, he is left thinking, about his teacher's answer, that although it did not seem useful, after so much time with him, he learned that an answer, whether bad, can be obtained, realizing that what he was referring to was "where did you get a log to transform it into a table with pure blows, that means I must learn something new", observing his hand that had changed, now it had more marks, it was stronger, but They are useless since they can only barely bend the tree, when what he needs is to be able to cut it, he thought all this until he fell asleep.

The storm clouds indicate that the day will be a bad one, Tyron only thinks that today is the day that his former friends return, knowing that this time combat would be inevitable. At school he only walks through the corridors completely lost in his thoughts about how he would cut the tree, when entering his room he sees that he will have to sit next to Kiev and others, completely ignoring them until almost the end of classes, when he was returning to the room, feels like someone hugs him for the man, being precisely the freckled one saying "hi Ty, you know everything that happened I will let it pass, only with two conditions, that you ask me for forgiveness and now at the exit we give him what he deserves to that geek ", raising his hand to collide with that of our protagonist, who only says" well, I'm sorry ... "but taking the other's hand from his shoulder looking at his face" ... before they make him go back to do something wrong, they will have to do with me. " Concluding that when entering the room again, change seats, to one closer to the blackboard.

At the exit, Tyron, knowing that the others could attack Antonio, accompanies him to his home, between talks and laughter, realizing that they had many things in common, they headed down a path between buildings where if something happened, no one would see them, distrusting From that shortcut, the young man goes ahead, because in case something happened they had already decided something, Antonio would run regardless of leaving him behind.

At the moment that Antonio managed to get out of the way, Tyron is pushed to the shortcut back to the road, this time being locked in since two in front of him prevented him from fleeing with his partner, the young man with glasses only fulfilled the word in front of his only friend, our brown-haired boy, just got up off the ground as quickly as possible, only to get a punch in his mouth being stopped before he fell, two more young men appear behind his back giving him a kick, a blond eyed coffee. Knowing that he was surrounded, the boy just got up ready to fight, contemplating that his attackers were his Kiev, Monguer, Soner and a boy he had seen, one of the first of high school being the blond one.

Tyron is thrown against a wall, being hit in the face by Kiev who says to him "go, go Ty, what happened? Are you not so brave? Let's not hit like the last time!" pushes, ready to hit him back, is hit in the face by a metal trash can, which Monguer was holding, accusing the young man "you know I liked you, it's a shame", with a smile he begins to hit the protagonist who was lying on the ground in pain , the blonde accompanies the blows of the brown hair, stepping on Tyron's head. A whistle echoes throughout the young man's head, both attackers retreat, giving him room to breathe, noticing that he was barely bleeding, he tries to get up only to feel like a kick to his chest leaves him back on the floor.

Kiev: - (taking Tyron by his shirt) "friend, now it's my turn and I'm going to enjoy this every damn second" (hitting him).

Soner: - "let me help you" (taking a board that was there, hit Tyron on his belly until the board broke ".

The drops fall on the beating that they are giving Tyron, you do not feel them for each blow full of rage they give him, after ten minutes, the boys leave him on the ground making fun of him, bleeding a little Tyron listens as he they move away and run away.

In the rain-covered forest he lets all his anger go against the trunk, feeling better, noticing that his fists are bleeding, he remembers the words of his teacher, who put the umbrella back so that it does not get wet, removing the umbrella Tyron feels Each drop on his body, taking off the bloody bandages from his knuckles, extends his arm, relaxing his hand, breathing deeply, he enters a state of extreme peace, as if his hand were a kind of blade in a quick and precise movement manages to pass through the wall of the trunk from side to side, without losing relaxation, he removes his hand from the trunk, seeing that he has managed to cut a piece and so continues until he finishes his task.

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