chap. 16: Change of view

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After serving the punishment and obviously the punishment that his parents gave him, Tyron can go back to training, finished with all the roots, being able to dedicate himself completely to the trunk which over the days it seems that it had hardened much more than it was Previously, I tried everything I could without succeeding, no matter how hard I hit, kicked, only with great force could her nails finish making a board with the trunk. Exhausted, he notes that his teacher is not there, looking for him with his eyes, seeing that with all the trunks and roots that he had removed, he was assembling something, with a subtle movement of his hand he cuts the wood to create something, but when he notices the presence of the young man He takes it by one ear and puts it back where the fallen tree, after all he had to complete his task.

The young man had never seen so many wounds on his body, although slight extremely painful, he leans next to a tree, taking off the band that the eldest had given him, observing her he says "I suppose he is not so bad a subject", having heard the man he approaches giving him a blow to his head, the child complained about that, and then surprised himself receiving some bandages, the bulge tells him "put them on and look to hit you must hit with this part", touching his knuckles in the safe areas to be able generate fewer injuries.

Tyron a little animated, gets up, placing the bandages on his hands and legs, tries again to advance with the task, which no matter how much he did what his teacher told him, did not work as he observed how his teacher had built a seat to be more comfortable. At the end of the day, on the way back home on the bus, he notices two presences that would hardly surprise him, it would be to see two girls from his school as injured as him with the same bands but with different colors to his, since that of the The girl with black hair was light blue, the one with brown hair, in contrast to the yellow one he wore.

Ignoring a small voice in his head that told him that he had to know the why of those girls, he just goes to sleep with his body struck down, the next morning walking to school he sees how Antonio runs fast, wondering the reason for the action of this, thinking that he was angry with him, but his doubt is quickly resolved when he heard the motorcycles of his friends who had been arriving at the establishment.

Entering his living room, he sees how his partner Antonio is scared when he enters, to which he only tries to greet him being ignored, he sits in front of the window, the day passed without any complications, at the time of departure he sees how his former victim runs out, noticing that his "friends" were waiting for the redhead, with his new speed it took him a short time to descend from the third floor to the exit. As far as it took him to be there, he was late to protect the redhead, seeing how Monguer and Soner were covering while Kiev kicked Antonio who was already on the ground, he sees how the black haired man is charging his fist to strike the boy from glasses, with great courage he throws himself to stop him, pushing the first two, stopping the blow, taking the freckled man by the arm, withdrawing him, placing himself in front of Antonio.

Kiev: - (surprised) "What the fuck are you doing ?! Not because of him that they suspended us, the fag had to open his mouth since his fists do not compensate for his lack of balls!" (Pushing Tyron back a few inches).

Tyron: - (looking at Antonio) "I'm sorry, this is all my fault" (going back to Kiev) "he's not to blame for anything! If you want to mess with someone, do it with me, I WAS THE ONE WHO TOLD THE PRINCIPAL WHAT WE DID IT! " (Pushing Kiev, throwing her to the ground)

The extremely tense situation for Tyron, who regretted what happened to Antonio, it was because of him, he knew that if he fights he will lose, but it is a thousand times better than letting it go. Kiev, very angry, gets up throwing a right hand at him, hitting him squarely while saying "so it was you, you're my best friend, all to save your boyfriend", in a single blink, Tyron remembered what his teacher told him about how to hit well , relaxing his arm to gain more speed, he throws a punch that hits the blackhead completely in the mouth, leaving him stunned. Tyron contemplates how the other two begin to approach while Kiev says "date for dead Elkin", knowing that the fight was inevitable since he never called him by his last name he yells at Antonio to run, who, no matter how hard he tried, could not get up, when the beating was assured, he heard for the first time a voice that would cheer him up, being the director who shouted "get away from those boys or I'll call the police", as fast as they could cover their faces the three former friends of the protagonist fled, helping Antonio He entrusts the woman to get up while he picks up each one of his things, putting them in his backpack, he hands them over to her, leaving there he listens as his director tells him "I thought television was lying when it said you were a hero. .. but now I see that no ".

Back in the forest, already carving the trunk with his nails, he asks his teacher "Jayden, what is happening to me?", To which he disengaged him questions "Happening from what? If you don't tell me what you mean how do you want me to answer your stupidities ", with a smile, no matter how insulting he looks at the warrior saying" it's that since I started doing this, I do, I say things that were not normal for me before, "the man just blurted a laugh, telling him "is the change, your transformation ... TO BECOME A WARRIOR!" staring into the boy's eyes with a huge demented smile.

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