chap. 18: Restart

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Drops fall from the trees of the forest, sliding gently until they fall to the ground, after a small storm, Tyron walks soaked with a board under his shoulder towards the cabin where his "master" was sitting enjoying the peace of nature, the boy's expression is one of happiness which allows him to ignore the bruises and bruises he has. The sunset rays illuminate the clearing, where the cabin was located, the young man stops in front of it, very proud of his achievement, he takes the table with both hands extending it in front of Jayden who only opens one eye and proceeds to listen to the words of the young man .

Tyron: "I made it, I finally did it, now teach me to make a warrior."

At the end of the sentence, Jayden gets up, walks to the boy, snatches the board from his hands, and begins to observe the object, it was perfectly polished and straight. The adult only returned to the entrance of his house, in front of the eyes of the child who was happy to have passed the test, the warrior leaves the board on a table and proceeds to chop some apples and eat them. Tyron sees how all his work is only for that guy to simply use it as a kitchen tool, with rancor and anger on the surface he questions "But what the fuck did I do just to be used to make him eat one! damn apple ?! ", the appropriate negative feelings from the mind of the young man, who approaches while insulting the adult, who without paying much attention to him continues eating his apple, after finishing, Jayden only sees how the young man looks at him full of fury and with a small smile he throws the board that the boy made into the forest. An angry Tyron tries to hit the warrior who without further hitting him with his little finger leaving him several meters from the cabin on his knees on the floor.

Tyron: "Why did he say that if he did this he would take me as his student? If only in the end he was just going to dispose of all my work as if it was garbage" dropping a few tears on the floor.

Jayden: "tell me brat at what point did I say that I was not going to train you, this is only for two things, the first is the last warning that I will give you because once you start on this path there is no turning back the problems will be a matter of the day Today, the world will no longer be rainbows and fagots, the world is cruel, it does not matter who it makes suffer, as a warrior you will no longer have a normal life, death will follow you and you better have a very big goal, because I will accompany you until you become strong and the second reason is that I wanted to see if it was true that you have become stronger. "

Tyron: "I don't understand! Does all of that entitle you to throw away my work as if it's worthless ?!"

Jayden: squatting in front of the child "of course, it is your first lesson, the achievement does not matter what you get while you work to achieve it is the really important thing, life is ephemeral, death follows us all and as a warrior you do it. you'll have to look into his eyes to tell him to fuck off. "

Tyron: wiping away tears, looks the older man straight in the eye "okay but what will happen now?"

Jayden: "oh that's very simple, I'll teach you the way of non-violence."

Tyron: "I still don't understand how you will do that, you use violence to confront the bad guys."

Jayden: "Are you stupid? Stop asking so many questions, violence is the fact of wanting to impose your ideas or ideal in front of others without taking into account their opinion as much as the abuse of one's own strength, that is what the warrior avoid it, use it to stop those with the aggression and cruelty they want to impose ".

The man gets up and begins to walk to his cabin while Tyron simply repeats each of those words in his head and very sadly says to him "then, I regret being your student, I should not be, I hurt a person who I did not know simply because it was not like for me it should be, if you allow me I will tell that person and you can train him "by removing his yellow tape from his forehead and pressing it hard, he walks to give it to the oldest who only puts it back on and says "If you mean by your friend that glasses, you should not worry, it will become strong." The very surprised young man replies "wait, did you already know that I was a bad person?" the adult with a firm voice tells him "of course, one of the warrior's faculties is to feel the aura of the people, and if you ask yourself, if he knew about the problems of that child why not take him as a disciple is simple, his Blind fury would simply lead him to take revenge on those who attacked them, instead you would do nothing more than open your mind and realize your mistakes, these were my steps to avoid continuing the cycle of violence. "

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