chap. 59: The "Why" of the true objective part 3.

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Finally I finished my first ice cream, so I waited for the return of the grandmother, I approached the railing in front, to be able to contemplate the forest with absolute magnificence, I leaned back looking down a little scared of the great height, to avoid vertigo I turned around to look at the library in the distance, which caused me to feel worse when I noticed how it was covered by a cloud, so I slowly started back to the bench, when I was already sitting, I spent all the time enjoying my ice cream thinking how you will be going to Valeria. I leaned back in the seat, looking at the sky I wandered in my mind losing the concept of time, letting the imagination serve as a guide to shape the clouds, when suddenly a huge explosion in the distance is heard, jumping up, I look at the distance behind the mountain I notice a great crimson glow, curiosity invades me so I decide to get away from the bank, when I feel a hand on my shoulder, when I turn my head I find the happy face of my grandmother, I She says "calm down, it is the tournament that has already reached the combat stage", this strange I was thinking that everything was a fight, so I asked myself "What are the parts of the tournament for promotion of rank?".

Alicia: - "first it begins with a survival part, where we release all the applicants in an area full of dangers and beasts, this is done to remove a large part of the Students with little real experience, this stage ends when a few hours or a limit number of required Students is reached and then if it is already a tournament match against other applicants ".

I nodded at this, I imagined that it would be something truly exciting, me and my grandmother sat down to contemplate the sky, but in my mind I only thought so many things that I could ask her that we were finally alone, that I did not know where to start but I remembered that. that if or if the Barriers should be present during the rank promotion, so I looked at the grandmother asking "Grandma what are you doing here? You shouldn't be watching all the participants", she smiled, let out a sigh answering "is not necessary to be literally present, for example I made a wind clone and came here, the other two Barriers still sent clones, we are allowed to do this since the judgment is the same ", this only made me ask" But then why did you go? first before? ", she changed to a much sadder face, there was a few seconds of silence and finally she spoke, saying" ... the survival part, is the most complicated, because you can even lose your life, it is very possible. It is possible but it can happen, that's why I wanted to see how Valeria was doing, after that and the risk of losing her life still exists, but now Masters and Grand Masters can intervene in case of need, although no Student would risk doing it. something with murderous intentions as it is automatic disqualification. " I looked at this with great surprise, just at that moment the wind blows with great force lifting our hair, all the trees shake as if they were going to be torn from the ground, behind the top of the mountain you can see how the clouds turn next to a great hurricane, I see the smile on the grandmother recognizing Valeria's combat, I question in my head that she had to force my sister to do that technique, in a moment a great golden flash is present, the hurricane stops moving, this surprises Grandma, the intrigue increases in my being, I am also surprised when the enormous mass of air slowly decreases.

Alexa: - surprised "What could happen?" -

Alicia: - serious and surprised "Maybe ... she was disqualified for doing something like that".

Alexa: - with her mouth open "Okay, she won't be a Teacher!"

Alicia: - it would be "it's a possibility, but that flash is the first time I've seen something like this, I don't think it's something from a Master or Grand Master who has intervened".

The surprise increased in my body, it was no longer the fact that my sister was capable of doing something like that, but that there was someone with the ability to stop it, a few minutes passed, through the corridor from where the man dressed in orange came out, they left Several students with their teachers, little could be heard between their murmurs, more than "What kind of technique was that?", my grandmother wore a gesture of some anger, time continues to pass when finally my sister is seen in the distance come talking to her short-haired friend, Kira's teacher came with his eyes closed, behind them came the blond with his eyes closed and his hands behind his head, the girl with a helmet hairstyle, but now he had him tied in a braid and next to them came a boy with white skin, black hair with round glasses, what surprised me the most about him was his height, he was thin, his muscles were very marked and the nunchucks that he wore on the sides of his belt, He wore orange Japanese type clothes, tant or the one with glasses like the girl had been saying something with very angry gestures to the blonde, but he only wore that warm smile, nodding his head and scolding, I look at my grandmother, she still looks a little angry, she breathes deeply, now looking much calmer. Valeria smiles at me saying "well sister, now you have another teacher that you must obey" I smiled knowing that she was not disqualified, her friend stares at me, the short-haired one quickly exchanges glances with other students, whispering something in her ear. My sister, this smiles saying to our teacher "Grandmother, Kira and I are going to buy something, we will be back", they both run towards the stalls near the square, in that I notice the man in embroidered clothes say "your granddaughter is strong, achievement beating Kira and her Diablo shot, almost and I thought they would destroy the mountain, it makes me feel bad that he finished in fifth place ", my grandmother smiles in praise of her student, looking behind the man I see that Dwayne and the others are in front of us.

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