chap. 29: Concrete Movements

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Time went by, Alexa tried in several different ways to get to the letter but no matter what she did, she always fell, the bruises each time increased, transforming into minor injuries, from several trees the birds were driven away from the area since the strong impacts of the young woman against the floor they were more and more forceful. After a fifty falls, sitting on one of the marks of her blows, she looks at the card between great breaths of air, her expression changes looking at the other end of the rope, she walks there untying herself and preparing to finally get the card, she flexes Her legs are sure that this time she will succeed, at the moment of giving herself impulse she stops herself, returns to contemplate the rope frowning, clenching her fists and making a small tantrum, she puts the rope back on.

An hour passed in which poor Alexa has only managed to make more fall marks, in this attempt she is a few centimeters from the letter, although the result is the same, Alexa lies on the floor thinking "In what failure? I always lack little and fall again, where is my mistake ... Come on Alex! Think! What are you doing wrong? " After reviewing with great care in his mind his previous pirouettes obtaining the result that the only coincidence between them is that he has tried to reach with the rock in his hand he has not succeeded, he looks for a second at his feet, only to shake his head saying " It is not silly "it took her several minutes to think about whether to try to do what for her would be a complete stupidity, when observing all the marks of falls that there were from her previous attempts, she lets out a huge sigh saying" I do not lose anything by trying ".

Alexa placed the piece of rock between her toes, jumps, takes a couple of turns in the air, waiting to feel the pull of the rope to try to cut the letter, the rope tightens, she feels the throw extending her foot achieving touch the branch, falls back to the ground, quickly looks up in search of the letter, but it is gone, a gigantic and bright smile is present on his face, he searches like crazy for the letter that should have fallen, not being able to find it She decides to put her footwear back on noticing that the letter was on the piece of rock, happily she takes it, the letter being a small map that had the drawings of a river, a forest and a cave, she notes that near the river there is a circle that should be your current position and a cross in the cave trusting that this is where you should go and start your journey before the end of the day.

Running to continue her training as quickly as possible, Alexa climbs the largest tree in the forest to immediately locate the cave, jumps from branch to branch arriving at the entrance of the place, sees Jayden doing a kind of practice, to which she decides not interrupting by staying on top of the tree, his idea would be ruined as the man told him "You will not learn by seeing or assuming, come down from there". The girl jump landing gracefully asks the warrior "Tell me, that was the so legendary Oscillating style" to which the man entering the darkness of the cave answered "No, come" while following him into the enormous darkness he returns to ask "Then what Was that what he was doing? " he simply replied "I don't know" in the deep darkness the girl cannot see anything around her when suddenly a fire is lit showing where her teacher was, who approaches her with a small package throwing it at her, she manages to catch him, He opens to contemplate a black karategi with light blue lines and a bandana of the same color, returning his gaze to him he says "this is ...", Jayden without giving him time to answer without turning to see him, while he placed a kettle on top of the fire She answers "your new training suit, for future classes use that one", the girl smiled for a few seconds her eyes seemed to have a brighter glow than the normal one she pretended, her gaze quickly darkened again questioning the warrior "What will I do now ? ", to which Jayden only showed him some kind of armor with strange tiny tubes I gave it to him saying" put this on, before you say I'm a pervert, you don't need to take off the clothes you already wear, u Once you put it on, go down there ... "pointing to a lower area of ​​the cave" ... take a bow and the training will begin. "

Alexa obeying the orders of her teacher, already on the lowest floor of the cave, she bows, her entire body is quickly upright and extremely rigid, to which she worries the older one "What is happening to me ?!".

Jayden: - serving a cup of tea "that suit is like a huge lock and your body is the key, make the right movements to remove it."

Alexa: - "Wait! How to take it off?"

Jayden: - savoring the tea "if you can only take that thing off when you do the required movements and how they change every time it is used I can't help you no matter how much I wanted to".

Alexa: - worried "Hey, I can't go home with this!".

Jayden: - sipping her tea "not my problem, plus someone with two workouts this must be a piece of cake".

The young woman only had to redeem herself from her worries and begin to move slowly and articulately as if she were a robot, everything she did was rough until when she moved her left arm she managed to hear a "clack", she realized that now move it more easily and with greater ease, deciding to unblock each of its limbs separately, the bad thing after an hour returns to where it started since when trying to unblock the movement one of its limbs was blocked again, Jayden with a gesture of annoyance She splashes some boiling water on him, to which Alexa says "What's wrong you fucking stupid ?!" to which he only attended to throwing a rock directly at his forehead before the girl could insult him again he said "If you want to take that away, treat your body as a single instrument, each movement must involve each part, not because one is found lightened you must focus on it, you must follow the movement without further worries.

The girl calmed her anger, closing her eyes for a moment, took a deep breath, and then moved her whole body with the heavy suit, after moving she ignored the unlocking or locking sounds, two hours passed when the girl managed to realize that she had removed the suit He clenches his fist tightly, he was going to say something but he realizes that it is already quite late to which he immediately runs from the place leaving Jayden who only takes the suit, contemplating it for a few seconds and then disappearing.

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