Chap. 36: Gloria

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The score is 4-1 in favor of Francesca, the public was enraged by the power that could be felt since Sasha had taken the game seriously, in a single minute he managed to score without Francesca managing to return one of those murderous shots. The talented blonde waits for the forceful serve from her muscular rival thinking "calm down Fran, calm down you just need to get used to its power and you have it, just recover the serve again and you will win, just calm down" by repeating the word calm in your mind, like a small spark arises the memory of the training in the waterfall, she shook her head to avoid thinking about it, Sasha shoots cutting the air, the blonde reacts when she touches the ball again with the racket she is again snatched from her hands by the power of that shot.

Francesca: - "Hell it's the fifth time!" picking it up.

Sasha: - getting ready to release "this is the difference between someone like you and someone who has worked to deserve what they have".

The young woman only attended to retake her expectant position before the powerful serve, after all the times she had taken the racket from her hands, she had only touched the ball with the tip, she understood that if she wanted to return those shots, it had to be faster than those shooting.

The score is 4-2 in favor of Francesca, after another minute the European athlete had managed to score two games in just two minutes which had caused the entire public to generate great respect for the visitor. In the areas closest to the court were Francesca's father with Sasha's coach.

Alexandre: - "Wow, it's very good."

Coach: - "yes and that only that she is having points for serves, in an exchange of shots is when her true capacity comes out".

Alexandre: - "I don't worry, I know that Francesca will get used to her rhythm and will overtake her".

Coach: - "Ha! You wish, I remind you that she is the European champion".

At the same time, while the adults were talking, the first-born of the Sejuk appeared at the general entrance, along with the blonde's best friend.

Gregorio: - "Thanks for bringing Jerome".

Jerome: - "It was nothing, besides that if you came, you would attract your fans, they were harassing you too much and I would not like to see those bitches bothering in my sister's debut match."

Both young men, each with the corresponding appearance, one completely of a bad boy with the leather jacket and dark glasses and the one with brown hair with his white jumpsuit with the print of a player doing a dunk, having arrived late they look for where to sit to be able to enjoy of the game, only finding a place next to a dark man who wore a beige jacket, slightly worn jeans, a red cap and black glasses.

Gregorio: - "Hi, aren't you busy?"

Jayden: - "no".

Francesca continued with the enormous problem of being able to return the shots, thousands of ideas crossed her head "nothing works, even if she knows in which direction the ball will go where she looks, I can't return it, she only takes the racket from me" with her mind totally covered by the possible ways to equalize her opponent and with the young woman with short hair about to serve, Jayden's phrase "you have too much fire" crosses her mind at that moment the ball is fired, Francesca closes her eyes for a second releasing a slight sigh, as in training he manages to calm his fire by reaching the ball, but when he touches the ball he is not able to give it direction, sending it off the field giving 15 points to Sasha.

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