chap. 7: The Toad Man

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The city of Guarly, a beautiful place to live, a girl with black hair and green eyes is quite attractive, she is walking with her friends, she sees how a girl for bumping into a boy dropped her things, when she was going to help him a one of her friends stops her yelling at her "come on Alexa, if we don't, we'll miss out on the blueberry and strawberry smoothies that Kiryoku premiere today!" After remembering this, the girl stops suddenly and, turning around, runs with her friends while she watches with remorse as the other girl gathers her thing.

The three friends walk through the center of the city where accompanied by a very invigorating talk, since it can be deduced by their faces of joy, but that is interrupted when the so-called Alexa sees a cat, going crazy takes it and begins to pamper him, so it seems the animal likes the company of the girl who gives off an aura of happiness and joy, her friends see each other, smile and say in unison "you never change best friend" when both girls hear that they are his best friend starts a discussion to prove who is the real best friend. When the two do not agree, Alexa is forced to leave the kitten who moves away from her sight, Alexa hugs them both by the shoulders and says "calm down if you are both my best friends, they are always there and they never disappoint me when I need them most "the girls laugh.

But sometimes when joy dominates, life requires balancing things, so in a construction near the place, they are moving concrete pipes with a crane, when trying to lift five at a time, two escape from the mooring and begin to roll towards the entrance of the place. Alexa runs to where the tubes come from, to which her friends react surprised by the action, until they see the reason that motivated her partner, it was the kitten that was stretching in the way of the tubes.

The girl runs as fast as possible, with heavy objects coming down at high speed, the girl barely arrives in time to take the kitten and with no opportunity to leave with the animal in her arms she throws it out, although unfortunately it would not be enough to save it. At the moment the girl is inches from being made paper, she is suddenly at the top of the construction safe for the moment.

Alexa, realizing her life continues, gives a great respite, until she remembers that the cat must be dead, after looking for it with her eyes and not seeing it anywhere, she hears purrs in her vicinity, when she turns her head she observes how the kitten is being caressed by a hooded man with a light blue diver and yellow backpack, after thinking for a second she speaks to him with great enthusiasm accompanied by a smile she says "thank you I owe you a gentleman" who without saying anything jumps to a nearby building and leaves the scene.

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