chap. 15: Truth

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One more week has passed, Tyron has advanced in his test, already managing to remove many of the branches from the top of the tree. It is four in the afternoon and a great heat hits the young man who culminates in removing the upper branches, preparing to cut the roots but due to the abysmal heat he falls to the ground without a drop of energy, looking up at the sky, praying that his body Give more strength to continue, at the point of hallucinations, you can see how a shadow covers you, hiding you from the sun.

Slowly he manages to get up seeing how his teacher has placed an umbrella, he walks away saying "you come to continue with your test, not to get tan", returning to lean on a tree, with a beautiful and fresh shade. The young man, a little recovered, proposes to cut one, as he did with the branches, being useless, so he continued until sunset when his teacher told him "boy, go, the bus does not take long to pass, and you still need to cut the roots and being able to dedicate directly to the trunk ", concluding the test for today, Tyron all sweaty, scratched and bruised returns home.

After a good bath before going to dinner with his family, he looks in the mirror, noticing that his body is now more marked and the size of his muscles has increased a little, and he sits at the table where his mother is, changed. his little brother and his father. Dinner passed extremely quiet, until his father asked "hey son, are you going to a gym? I see you've gotten in shape", the young man surprised by the question, just smiles saying "no, that dad, these are inherited" although he managed to share a few laughs with his father and his little brother who said that when he grew up he would be a huge muscular beast. At the time of picking up everything from the table he notices that his mother is only smiling, to which he asks the reason for her smile, causing her to say "son, no idea what you are doing but it shows that it is changing you, keep it up ", surprised by the answer, ignoring her he goes to his room throwing himself on his bed.

Going to his school now he notices that no matter how much he runs, he hardly gets tired, he feels the resistance he has gained, when it was time to arrive everything was normal, I greet his friends, he sat at the same desk every day, having spent more After noon, nothing seems abnormal, until he notices that for several days, a seat has been empty, after memorizing the people in his class, since Antonio has not seen him since last week. Upon realizing this, the director enters the room saying "young people, a student last week was severely beaten, for which he has been in the hospital for several days, if anyone knows who it was who did such an action, I hope they will say so", ending to speak by leaving the room.

At recess before the last hour, Tyron quickly looks for Kiev, saying "Hey Kiev! You can't let them blame us all for what you did", who a little annoyed by the actions of the protagonist takes him by the shoulders to say "look Ty, they haven't blamed anyone yet so relax, besides not only I was there, if I sink, you come with me, understand?" while saying this he squeezes the young man's shoulders, being separated only by the bell that indicates the return to the classroom.

With an even greater heat than the previous day, the difficult task of cutting the roots still did not advance, to which after three hours of trying everything, tired he approaches his teacher.

Tyron: - "Excuse me Jayden, but would you give me any advice to move forward?".

Jayden: - (raising his hat) "mmm let me think about it, no, now come back or go, you decide."

Tyron: - "Please at least what is the reason why I failed?".

Jayden: - "oh come on it's clearer than water, you must be sharp as the truth, now I told you, ushale dog."

After hearing the advice of his teacher, he tries again with the root, which no matter how much he heard that, did not change anything, with the aim of moving forward, he began to think that the man could be referring to "as sharp as the truth", Hours passed and the memory of the director comes back to her imagination asking for help to find those responsible for Antonio. With that in mind he observes his fist, stretching his fingers, understanding in some way the advice says this before trying to cut the plant "to be sharp as the truth, is to be honest, with everyone, especially with yourself, accepting everything head on like a warrior "managing to cut his first root, Jayden after hearing him understand his reference only smiles a little hiding his face under his hat.

The next day Tyron, remembering the truth, enters the director's room, confessing everything done by the young people to Antonio, accepting his deserved punishment which would be to be suspended for two weeks and in all of them go to a teenage psychologist , although he would have a week less than the other three, learning that what is good is for the sincere and honest.

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