chap. 57: The "Why" of the True Goal part 1.

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The mind of the young black-haired girl rumbles with small whispers, her head is completely empty of any thoughts, she only manages to feel how the enormous pain in her body is slowly disappearing, she wants to open her eyes but she does not have a drop of energy to do so, so you must strain your ears to know what is happening in the world through whispers. While on the backyard porch of the cabin the warrior continues with his hand on Alexa's forehead, Emily holds her friend's hand, Francesca looks at the unconscious girl with strong resentment, although she already knew that she was hiding something from them He never thought it was something so big, and Tyron is poking the piercing girl's body with a branch, this annoys the blonde a bit, who says "Do you want to stop doing that!", but he continued to respond in turn "I'm checking if the teacher did not kill her."

Jayden: - healing Alexa "Why do you think I killed her?"

At that moment the three students exchanged looks of concern, since each one had records of the violence that he normally used against someone, Tyron once he verified that he was still breathing said "well teacher understand, when I met you you killed about five or six people without problems and did not even care or seemed affected by this ", the brunette looked at her teacher in the eyes while holding the hand of the defeated exclaiming" I am very grateful to you when I save myself, but I also kill someone tearing off a part of the body with his hands ", the man looked at the blonde waiting to see what her example would be, she closed her eyes remembering the times you have seen him in action, once he had everything in mind he opened his eyes saying "it's true, like the time he showed up to save us from that gang, he almost killed them, when we had to bring Antonio here, you broke his nose just to keep him asleep and not counting the times you This threat of death makes him completely calm, there is neither hurt nor remorse for what he does. " The warrior raised his shoulders returning his gaze to the wound, accepting that he suffered an enormous amount of damage, he sighed looking at the other students, he said "he has cracks in almost all of his bones, so since you have a lot of questions I will answer everything. referred to like that when this idiot wakes up they ask her questions only referring to her and her family member ".

The three students gathered in a circle, after deciding what to ask first, they separated, all with their chests raised and with the most rigid posture they asked at the same time "What is this about Barreras, Grandmaster and Master?".

Jayden: - looking at them in the eye "they are hierarchical titles, for example, right now you are students, people who are just starting your journey, when they finish this stage they would pass after passing a test ..." he scratches his chin ".. . or a tournament, they receive the title of Master in which they already receive a payment from the Council, obviously you have to fulfill certain tasks that are entrusted to you and you must take a student under your tutelage, then the rank of Grand Master follows where you have a great prestige along with a lot of other silly things, to get this title they need to train someone to achieve the title of Master and automatically Grand Master and ... "

Emily: - a little scared "sorry for interrupting you, but that woman said that you were Barrera and that there were two more, as if there were only three with this title".

Jayden: closing his eyes "... the Barriers are the highest level to which any Grand Master, Master and / or Student can aspire, that of Power is the name of the user with the greatest amount of internal Fiu and who has the best control over this, that of Experience refers to the users who master the greatest number of techniques together with the greatest knowledge that exists and that of Ability is the most complex since this refers to pure talent and the ability to perform techniques to perfection. "

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