chap. 5: Continuous

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The girl contemplated how her hero simply without saying goodbye to her continues on her way, to prevent her from leaving, the girl speaks to her "! Wait sir! Your blanket" who after hearing this would only point to her and say "brat, do you plan to show your vagina nipples to your house? Keep it and someday you will give it back to me ". At the end of his words, he simply went walking hidden by all the crowd of people from the other street, the young woman quickly covered her body with the blanket and without wasting time she fled the place lest someone else wanted to take advantage.

In a house in a not very safe neighborhood in Guarly, a girl is haunted by the memory of that man who tried to abuse her, but the fear disappears after remembering and seeing the blanket that her protector left her in charge of until they meet again. After changing and getting rid of the clothes that her abuser destroyed, the girl prepared to start the preparations for dinner. At night in the house of the young woman it is observed how an adult man with good physique with light brown hair and a beard is dragged by a little girl to the home, when they enter the little girl hugs our protagonist while exclaiming "Emily, what don't you know? What did they teach us at school today? " to which her sister answered "let's see, let me guess ... add and subtract" what made the little girl puff up her cheeks and say "no good, you guessed very quickly" causing her sister to hug her laughing and send her to clean up to serve dinner. The man arrives and kisses Emily on the cheek saying "mmm daughter smells very good What did you cook?" to which the girl with a smile replied "Well, your favorite food daddy" to which her father quickly left to clean himself up and start with a nice dinner and a beautiful family moment, Emily forgetting for a second the horrible fact that she lived today for the late.

We are again in the alley where Emily is being abused again and screams she looks everywhere but nobody comes to her rescue and when her rapist ready to fuck her finishing his Machiavellian work, a golden light saves her being once again that mysterious subject Suddenly waking up the girl in her room who looks around, focusing her gaze on her hero's blanket. Deciding that tomorrow she would return it to him even if it was her only excuse to see him again.

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