Chap. 30: Chakama

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Alexa needed a week to improve her flexibility and the balance of her body while training. She has managed to reduce her initial time from four hours to two, and again in the cave this time she is performing relaxed movements with the tube armor, carrying on your wrists and ankles weights to make the task difficult. Jayden carefully observes his movements when he decides to launch the attack with a wooden sword, Alexa without noticing the attacks that exactly dodges his skillful and unpredictable movements causes Jayden to place a small grimace on his face, which appears a slight confidence towards the girl so it increases to a speed equal to that of a bullet at which the girl manages to dodge each fierce blow without even losing fluidity.

Jayden's attacks do not give up, with each one that the young woman dodges it seems that the next one increases her speed, being one after others closer to hitting her, suddenly the girl falls off the armor with the included weights they manage to continue with the movements now with greater speed only that she continued with her eyes closed, a couple of minutes passed where Alexa's mind returns to her body, when she opens her eyes she finds a single blow sent directly to crash against a wall of the cave leaving her body trapped there between the rock, the girl only attends to release a slight sigh to endure the pain by relaxing her body, she manages to get out of the wall only to be able to see another attack approaching, surprised she lowers her head avoiding the impact by a few millimeters.

Alexa: - running "What's wrong?"

Jayden: - running after her "let's see what you're capable of doing after a week".

Alexa: - jumping from wall to wall to hang from some stalactites "I'll see just let me rest" sighing heavily.

Jayden: - jumping towards her, destroying the stalactites "do something that can save you from Me!".

Alexa, falling quickly next to several pieces of rock, analyzes the area in search of a weapon that will help her equalize things, when she looks up at herself, she notices how the heavier man approaches too fast, with this in mind she decides take the stalactites that fell next to her and begin to throw them at him, enhancing these with kicks, although it was ineffective, it allowed him to use it last to distance himself a few meters from him using a piece of rock to push, but after having used that to jump I do not assure a perfect fall for which he only attended to roll on the floor of the cave to avoid crashing against it. Alexa stands up immediately contemplating where her adversary was, who had fallen without a scratch, the man gave her an intimidating look saying "Let's see Girl! You think you are able to resist one more minute", Alexa just hearing this accepts the He challenged him, "I will not only resist, I will defeat you in that time".

The battle restarted with this time a single minute before the end of the duel, the warrior threw himself at superhuman speed towards her, who was barely able to still avoid the attack, immediately running with all his might looking for something that To gain the upper hand, she comes up with an idea, she skillfully climbs up to where her opponent normally watched her. Jayden runs towards her reaching the first floor of the cave in a leap to realize that her student had taken his kettle, Alexa throws the kettle towards the man hoping that his habit of seeing the herbal concoction may distract him ...

... His plan works Jayden throws a lunge towards the kettle without giving it a single scratch, his thrust positioned perfectly on the handle achieves with subtle movements to leave her on the ground, returning to an attack stance, noticing that Alexa had thrown herself towards him taking two branches of which he used to fuel his campfire. The girl, enduring the pain of the previous blow, manages to hit several weak impacts but in large quantities on the entire body of her opponent, using her enormous flexibility and with jumps without giving her rival the opportunity to escape, she uses her acrobatics to Locking him up while he continues to attack, in one of his attacks causes him to release his bokken, which gives him the opportunity to finish him off with a direct blow to his head.

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