chap. 26: Test Passed

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The Forte academy, in its immense greatness, we can see Alexa our young brunette in the first-c classroom, leaving the classroom accompanied by her friends, while the other two speak, her face shows a big smile of approval as they say, with a cold gaze that simply looks at the corridor in search of an answer. In the afternoon we return to the hill where he continues trying to reach the top, without much success falling each time he climbs again, the warrior only observes her with a look of displeasure, after his twentieth fall he approaches saying "you have advanced a lot in just one week, maybe you are an innate talent "to which she replied" Oh! Do you really believe that ?! I'll see teacher I will achieve this without spending another week "after hearing these words the adult turned around returning to the shade of the tree where he was previously.

A new day begins for our protagonist, who as always is talking with his friends.

Tamara: - "Hey, do you know that the urban hero studies here?"

Leslie: - "Yes, he's supposedly in first-a but they say he's a bully".

Alexa: - "if he's a hero, I don't think he's an idiot of that size, although it may be that he's simply not the true hero."

Tamara: - "It could be, changing the subject. Do you think Thursday's exam will be complicated?

Leslie: - "I'm not going to pass! I don't know anything".

Alexa: - "there are things you say to Les, of course you will, that's why I suspended all my activities today to help you".

Tamara: - "And I will also help you study, see you in Kiryoku in the afternoon to study right?".

After agreeing on the schedule to meet to help the redhead study, the classes advanced without any problem and as they had decided in the afternoon they met in Kiryoku to study, where the hours passed without progress, since the redhead did not understand why Whatever way they explained to her, in which all that happened, only one thing crossed Alexa's mind and it was that she had failed her test that day.

On Wednesday again at Forte, Alexa and Tamara are waiting for Leslie, who after hearing the recess bell left the room without saying anything.

Alexa: - "Are you sure? The break is almost over and he's not back."

Tamara: - "yes, well at least it was what she told me".

Alexa: - "It's very strange, do you think that because yesterday you didn't learn anything you decided to do something crazy?"

Tamara: - "No, a person with at least a little critical sense would be too exaggerated to worry about an exam ..."

Both after hearing the words of the latter, they began to remember their friend and sighed at the same time while saying "it is so possible".

The bell that indicated the return to classes rang again, our protagonist is accompanied by her friend with dark brown hair, when a redhead catches up to them saying a little agitated by the rush "girls it is no longer necessary to get together to help me study "They both answered a" Why? " to which without further ado the redhead put her index finger in front of her lips indicating that it was a secret, the girls only smiled at her attitude accepting her idea, while Alexa only thought "today I will finish the test".

Again on the hill the young woman with green eyes was advancing by leaps and bounds her way to the top, when her teacher comes to see her progress, she simply gives him a big smile and this time, being really serious, she manages to climb to the top without problem saying "Wauuu I did it! Now you will be my teacher right?"

Jayden: - "if we had agreed to that" retiring from the place with an illuminated look.

Alexa from the top could only dedicate herself to contemplate the horizon yelling "YES!" In her immense splendor the young woman was only caressed by those last rays of the sun, with her cold gaze that consumed any type of light, she descended from the plant thinking "dear sister shortly, I will be able to take revenge" smiling while a faint glow returned to his eyes began his return home.

In the sky, a huge kind of ship crosses through the clouds, the great metal machinery is very different from any human design, thousands maybe millions of uniformed people run the place as their mobile base between the metal corridors, we focus on a large window where there are seven men, six of them with armor and one with a traditional Chinese tunic like the Jayden but with white and pale pink lines. The men in armor took their seats in front of the table with the robed man, with short white hair, his eyes closed and with a thoughtful gesture.

The man in green armor, light brown hair with red dyed tips, with brown eyes, spoke "Hey, leave Tarsu province, at least it was worth it."

Man in yellow armor, bald with blue eyes "calm down Faint, we all come here on the orders of the master."

Hearing this, they all focused their gaze on the one with the tunic, who opened his light pink eyes and looked at those in armor saying "tell me, what happens with the remaining provinces?."

Tell me the reports of each of the exploration groups ", the question uncomfortable everyone there even those who were outside the meeting directing the ship. A man in purple armor with red lines with a multi-colored mohawk answered "the ones I sent dead, surely" with absolute calm, the Caucasian in the tunic only said "next".

Yellow armor: - "mine have not communicated either."man in silver armor with long black hair and dark eyes: - "mine the same."

Director: - "Tell me ... Why do you think something has happened to you?"

A man with a hood, white eyes and white armor with black lines: - "Master, it is not necessary to doubt that it was a warrior of the Confederacy or someone from the Council of Masters, if not a teacher who does not belong to the council, but those people are not conflictive."

Faint: - "They are a lot of idiots whoever, or whatever, I will go directly to the city of Guarly where.

John sent his team and begin with the taking of that province" pointing to the one in yellow armor.

John: - "I remind you that it is only a city and the conquest costs are decided by the teacher:

Director: - "Shawn tell me the situation with the Confederation" looking at the mohawk.

Shawn: - "you know trying to convince us to go against the Council."

Director: - "Well seeing its complete uselessness on the part of you four, I will let Mike make the decision that it will be done."

Quickly Faint pointed his green-handled scimitar towards the one with the hood saying "tell me director what this idiot has that I don't have to make that decision", after a resounding silence the ship began to shake and the director spoke "he was able to destroy one of the academies of the wise, now shut up and listen "Faint sat down again, terrified by the power of the director as well as everyone who was on the ship.

Mike: - with a sepulchral voice "we should send another team this time with a sergeant to analyze the situation and let out whoever is ruining the conquest, once it is confirmed that we are facing we will see what to do".

Director: - "Sounds good to me, John, you choose the sergeant to be sent to one of the cities and how many soldiers you need."

Thus ending the meeting, the men in armor disappeared without a trace, the director only turned his chair towards the horizon while saying "the chances are low and nothing has been heard from him in four years, if he were the one protecting those places. It could be suicide to seek conflict "while he remembered the image of the warrior with his blue tunic with gold and red lines.

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