chap. 47: Erinios

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Sunday afternoon passed very calmly, in the largest apartment of a building, we can see Tyron and Antonio each sitting on a couch in front of a flat screen, passionately playing shooting games, when they finally manage to get out victorious in their confrontation, they took their characters to take shelter in a house due to the fall of explosives, in that little pause in the action the redhead says "how strange it is that you have agreed to come and play on a Sunday. Aren't you always busy? ", the brunette took a drink from the soda that he had nearby, then he replied" well, normally but strangely I have to rest these three days ", the redhead's character observed through the window locating an enemy duo, so he quickly warned his partner Quickly drawing their rifles they began a shootout for the right to glory. In the evening of a good video game day, Antonio accompanied Tyron out of the building.

Tyron: - "hey ... how are you holding hands?".

Antonio: with a dark look "much better after three weeks I feel better, thanks for worrying."

Tyron: - pensive "it's nothing, hey you haven't told me what your mom said about that", thinking "because it had to be the same time we haven't seen Erinios".

Antonio: - a little sad "I don't think he realized it, after all he works a lot".

Tyron: - smiling at the redhead "yes, sure, it must be very busy having to run your own technology company, also think that it allows you to do whatever you want in a place like this".

Antonio: - a little happy "he's right, thanks to that I don't notice the vase that we broke with that experiment".

Tyron: - "hahaha I still remember how your concerned downstairs neighbor entered and us trying to clean everything before he entered."

The redhead, remembering the moment, also laughed, at the moment of saying goodbye both boys clashed their fists in anticipation of the next reunion, Antonio when he returned to his apartment, attended to clean everything, arrange furniture, review his homework along with other activities. At night, a woman dressed in a suit opens the door, feeling very bad about herself to find everything clean and tidy, when entering the kitchen there was a delicious aroma plus a plate next to a note that said "I love you mom", the The woman smiled going to her son's room, finding everything turned off and a lump on the bed, in a very sad tone the woman said "thank you for being so wonderful my angel and forgive your mother for being a complete disaster" she concluded by throwing a I kiss the bulge on the bed, with the door closed, under the sheets, there just a pile of pillows next to a telephone and a kind of balloons connected to a device, which simulate breathing.

On the roof of a building, Erinios runs trying to evade Plata when he finds himself in front of a jump to reach another roof, he doubts whether to jump or not, but seeing that the one dressed in gray was getting closer and closer, he took a needle injecting himself, he feels how his whole body exhales strength and vigor, this time look at his challenge jumping without any problem leaves Silver far behind, Emily noticing that the masked man had taken the path he wanted, uses his cell phone calling Alexa saying "Alex, he is going to you". Erinios runs guarding that they do not follow him behind his back, when he turns around a wall, he is thrown to the ground by a powerful blow from the blue dress, he grabs his pistol trying to aim it, but is removed from his hands by a kick, he re-injects himself running towards her, Alexa skillfully dodges him with a jump, in the air he launches a side kick throwing a corner, which he takes advantage of to escape, the black-haired woman lets him run, making a call "Tyron, go to you, remember you must let him go to the right and chase him for two streets there the blonde and Mr. Matias will be waiting for him ".

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