chap. 54: Competitive Need

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In the darkness of Guarly four colored shadows run across the rooftops, jumping between buildings, the streets are quiet, patrols go through different neighborhoods, the shadows go up to an antenna, the four look in different directions in search of something suspicious, but there is no nothing so he descends again to a roof, the one in the yellow dress looks annoyed so he starts stomping to release his anger, the others look at him, the one in the blue dress being the one who approaches asking "What's wrong?" , he hears this, taking off his hood and scarf from his face exclaims "I'm annoyed we have been with the Katanas for more than a week and there has not been a single criminal to stop!", the girl gives him a slap retreating while taking her phone, Annoyed Tyron replies "And why is that ?!", to which Celeste replied simply while looking at the horizon "is that you are very anxious, also if we have to fight less it means that everything that is Silver will decrease or crime. "

Emily: - taking off her hood and scarf "I don't think that's it".

Alexa and Tyron: - "Then what happens?"

Emily: - with glassy eyes "the city is barely recovering after the blow it suffered" looking at the lights of the buildings.

Tyron: - "What do you mean? If Guarly is calm it means that he is progressing".

Alexa: - taking off the hood and scarf "does not refer to the city in a physical way, but to the people".

Tyron: - "It doesn't make sense either, if a while ago we had to stop a robbery at a jewelry store"

Emily: - shedding a single tear "Do you see people well? I can tell that many families were hurt by what Maximus did, people no longer trust the schools or the police for not protecting their children, yes we would have been smarter and stronger ... ".

Tyron: - swallowing hard "yes, but in the end we stopped the culprit of everything, so people got their fair share".

Alexa: - giving Emily a hug "you realize that the culprit was murdered in the police station itself, the news is on all the city's websites, the schools did not notice the change in the students, the police did not he was able to put the criminal in jail and we managed to arrest the culprit when his plan had already taken place. "

Tyron: - joining the hug, shedding a couple of tears "they are right and the worst thing is that there are people who take advantage to benefit".

Francesca: - reading her phone "and for those people we are, I suppose that the teacher told them the same thing as me when they finished the test, that the path of the warrior was not easy, there are losses and failures worse than normal, We fail many people, which is why we must continue to make amends for our mistake. "

The three separated accepting that the blonde was right, they replaced the hoods next to the handkerchiefs, although Tyron looked at the very confused blonde reading on her phone, so curious he said "What are you reading?", Francesca did not move the look of her phone answering in a simple way "I am studying", this caught the attention of the black-haired woman who in a confident tone said "No, you are so clever not to need to study for the exams?", to which the blonde also I avoid moving my gaze from the screen, he replied "I don't need it, I know I approve, but I won't let him beat me", everyone was surprised to understand that there was someone much smarter than Francesca in Celeritas, before they managed to say something to him, some Noises close to them attract their attention, so they immediately jump to the fire escape, a few meters away they see a man trying to forcibly enter a place, when they get closer, Silver stops them from following to know what is this has When before acting, Tyron accepts this but begins to draw his sword, Alexa takes him by the wrist shaking his head what he is doing, the subject after not being able to open the door, takes out his phone from a pocket making a call, the The dark-skinned woman gets out of the grip jumping to attack, the brunette reacts in time by holding him by the ankle causing the boy to crash to the ground alerting the suspect, who when turning around finds them, Alexa and the blonde prepare for the worst.

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