chap. 61: Infiltration

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Francesca's steps were fast, she crossed the streets almost causing a couple of accidents but nothing stopped her in her race to Forte, since she found out that her brother was kidnapped she understood that although she was skilled, she would not allow herself to take risks, a couple of drops of sweat roll down his forehead without ever stopping his steps he manages to hear and for just a moment the screen of some televisions in a window "all the police have just surrounded all the streets around Torre Liz, if you follow me you can see how they have shooters in case any unexpected movement happens ", this made her think" It will be very difficult to enter without being seen! ", when turning on a block she increased her pace, she was already beginning to recognize the sidewalk and the square I was close to Forte, when he finally arrived he took his phone to see the time, it was only ten o'clock I knew that I could not inform them about the situation that was happening, so he observed a few minutes to the guard at the entrance, when he yawns starting the other way, he runs to an accessories store buying a black hat with blue on top, one dark glasses, he takes off his jacket showing his sleeveless shirt, after tying his jacket at his waist, he manages to sneak to school without much trouble. Francesca walks through the corridors hoping to find her two brown companions, goes up to the second floor but does not see them anywhere, when the bell rings, she enters a room that is still empty, when she realizes that she is in the chemistry laboratory A third year, when she heard footsteps approaching, she looked at everything around her and analyzed that on all the tables there were different flasks on the bunsen burners, so she went quickly to one of the tables, she read the contents of all the small jars, she smiled When he took the one that said "Potassium Chlorate" he already had an idea to quickly release his classmates, he went to a closet, when he opened it he took small bags of sugar and sodium bicarbonate, he took all the flasks, placing himself on the teacher's desk, he began to combine, mixing immediately so as not to leave traces of the solids, adding green colorant to each one with full speed, manages to return all the flasks to the lighters again, jumping into d the locker before all the students entered.

The chemistry teacher arrives, greeting his students, stops for a second analyzing the contents of the flasks, raises his shoulders thinking "Wow, Martin! How can you forget if you have already poured the dye or not? Anyway, it doesn't affect the experiment ", the adult put on the gown next to the protective glasses, he told the other adolescents to imitate him, after being well prepared, the teacher approaches the closet where the blonde was hiding, she manages to see him assuming that his plan would fail, when he stops saying "you know, we better see your knowledge of the last lesson, put the flasks to heat then add what I say to the water with coloring", everyone in the room nodded, Francesca can only hide smile thinking "Good!", barely a few seconds passed when from one of the last seats smoke began to come out of the jar, the teacher immediately asked "But what Chris? Did you add something?", when the student denied having Something else, more smoke began to come out of all the flasks including the professor's, who without wasting time exclaimed "Cover your mouth and nose, get out slowly and give the fire alarm!", before the professor left to make sure. There is no longer any student in the background, the blonde comes out amid the tumult and the smoke that covers the entire hall, when she finally gets rid of the students she enters another room, stops pretending to cover herself, smiles saying to herself "It's a bomb harmless smoke. " The girl jumps directly to the exit through a room window, hidden among the crowd that comes out, she only listens slightly as the director announces "Dear students, today you will retire earlier due to a small accident in a laboratory! See you tomorrow! ".

Emily walks looking with surprise as they were leaving at ten fifteen, Tyron who came to the side exclaimed relieved "Great, two hours before to be at home, without my father or my mother or my brother, I can play many video games!" When he looks at his friend, he realizes that she is watching him with a certain tenderness that discourages him a bit, so he asks "Okay, what do you want to do Emily?", the brunette smiled, instantly looking for the blonde's contact to The four of them stay somewhere and finally solve the matter, when when they step outside the establishment, they are winged by a girl with a black and blue hat, both brown are confused, so the boy asks "Hey, calm down! Who Do you think you're going to take us like this? ", he concluded, letting go of the hold, she let go of the girl, turned me around and looking into their eyes, took off her glasses.

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