chap. 38: The Warrior Rules.

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The days have passed since the young people have met, a new week begins for the protagonists, who like every Monday afternoon were training in the warrior's backyard, this time they were on the columns a great distance from the ground, jumping and placing their feet as indicated by some threads of the color corresponding to that of each one's band. Tyron was intertwining his feet, showing a huge gesture of pain, although he was trained for many things, at no point do I expect to have to make a pretzel on his legs, Emily looks at him worried, to which she decided to ask "Are you okay?" , and the boy smiled releasing a tear from one of his pupils as he said "sure ... just give me a second ... MASTER, PLEASE, IT'S MORE THAN HALF AN HOUR THAT THE FUCKING THREADS WERE TANGLE BY THE WIND, STOP FOR THE ONLY FEELING THAT ... ", the boy stiffened completely, feeling the blow of a rock on his head, while the adult said" shut up and hold on or do you think your opponents will stop because you tell them, THERE IT HURTS! ".Emily was performing simple movements, following her strings with supreme attention, when due to so much concentration she collided with the two girls, who had been competing since the beginning of the practice, the impact was so powerful that it cracked the ground quite a bit, the girl got up like If it hadn't been anything, and looking at the warrior, she asked "Can I see water?", to which he, very attentive to what the others were doing, answered "no", the young woman only let out a sigh turning her gaze to her companions, who as was becoming customary, they were arguing.

Alexa: - "I'll win you blonde dry hair".

Francesca: - "What do you mean, dry hair ?! Ass face".

On the floor the warrior said to the brunette "How many times do you go today?", To which Emily, very attentive to the others, responded "counting the current one, fifteen". The dark-haired young man was making her movements, suddenly the pair of troublesome for simply being arguing, collided making her fall. The man saw this for which, in a jump he caught the boy, leaving him on the ground asking worried "Are you okay?" When he heard an affirmative answer from him, he jumped and immediately separated the two girls, with his most severe look he said "Enough, they have known each other for a week and they do not seem to improve!".

They: - "is that she ..." pointing to each other.

Jayden: - slapping each one "I'm not interested, one thing is that someone loses the sense of what they have around them because they focus too much and another very different is that you go towards someone because you simply cannot control your damn conflicts ".

The girls were shocked by the blow to their cheeks, before they could say anything the warrior took them by the back of the clothes throwing them to the ground, they both managed to land correctly, the warrior snatched them away. wooden swords, from their hands, telling them "Get out, go away", those who had fallen, started towards their things when the warrior calmly told them "no, you will continue, for them the training is over for today".

Francesca: - surprised "What? That's not fair".

Alexa: - annoyed "Hey, what's with our goals, you said you would help us achieve them!".

Jayden: - turning his back on them "and I will do that, but as long as they continue to intervene in the way of others, they will not continue.

The girls just annoyed with each other, they took their things, going into the forest on their way to the city, Emily and Tyron only gave them a few pitying smiles, following the warrior to the fighting platform.

Jayden: - seriously "well now continue combat practice".

Tyron: - "But how can we do it without the other two?"

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