Chap. 55: Forte vs Celeritas

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The dim light of the sunset spreads through Guarly, in the Sejuk mansion everything looks much calmer while melancholic music spreads from the second floor, at the doors of the main hall you can see the Italian chef observes hidden, with a couple of tears of joy in their pupils to the two teenagers working on a model of the Roman coliseum, the man takes off his white hat saying in a low voice "Thank God for showing that Miss Francesca is capable of having friends!", he takes off quickly drops of pride putting the hat back on, after hearing how the young blonde says "Mario do you know if there is glue left?", so he immediately responds "I don't think I will lose, I'm going to buy", the man runs to an impressive speed of place while inside the room, the blonde takes one of the hundreds of Roman figures, placing it in the center of the stands with several more figures fanning it.

Francesca: - it would be "I think we will finish this by next week".

Nya: - taking off his leather jacket, it would be "we would finish it sooner if we didn't work only two hours a day for your blissful workouts".

Francesca: - it would be "I am an athlete I have to train daily to be in shape, by the way ..." placing the figure of a lion in the center of the arena "... you still haven't told me how you got my number phone last week. "

Nya: - placing the gladiator figure in front of the lion "I thought you were smart enough to figure it out".

Francesca: - it would be "I suppose it was because of Gregorio, who had to become like a crazy fan when he found out that you wanted to talk to me" crossing his arms.

Nya: - It would be "if more or less like that" crossing his arms.

The two girls looked into each other's eyes with some anger, despite the fact that there was a table separating them, anyone could feel a tense atmosphere, neither gave up in their brutal duel of glances, both the maid and the butler when seeing the scene They preferred to get as far away as possible, the melody of the guitar accompanied the negative feeling in the room, the roar from the second floor that manages to disturb the pink-haired woman, who renounces the duel of glances saying while putting on her jacket "Why is there that damn song here every day?", To which the blonde kept her school supplies replying "it's not a song, it's just loose chords", this little mattered to the piercing girl, who opened the door going to the stairs, the blonde realizing closes her backpack and chases her, takes her by the shoulder saying "No, let me continue!".

Nya: - angry, going upstairs "Why since we started working has she been playing that damn depressing music ?!".

Francesca: - it would be "He is my brother and you won't bother him!" pulling her back.

The one with blue eyes does not measure her strength by throwing it with great force, Nya is in free fall, Francesca, realizing that she did not contain herself in an agile way, turns around placing the sole of her foot on the girl's back, pushes her to Gently leading her to the second floor, the one with the pink hair turned to look at her strangely, she says "What kind of tennis do you play?" Continuing on her way to the guitarist, Francesca wipes the sweat from her forehead to avoid hurting someone innocent, and then runs to catch up with her, when she goes up she finds Nya watching through the open door, so she decides to drag her back to the hall, but when she touches his arm she reacts by placing her finger on her lips as a way to keep her silent, pointing out that she also observes, when they see through the opening they contemplate how the blonde is sitting in front of the bedroom window, with headphones while moving her head with a certain glow accompanying the passion that she is releasing in her chords, after a couple more minutes she stops, taking off her headphones, leaving the guitar to one side, the blonde notices this moving away instantly, when Jerome turns around she sees Nya behind her door.

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