The Peanuts movie 2015 (Fox)

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Charlie Brown and the Peanuts came out in the 60's. I think there holiday specials are cute. I loved this movie because they sort of put all of that in this movie with Charlie Brown being interested in the Little Red Head girl and trying so hard to impress her. But really she liked him because he is a good friend and brother and a decent person. He had a happy ending and his friends are his friends. I have called Josh Charlie Brown. He would joke and said "Do I look bald to you?" Which is funny and still make me to smile. I miss talking to him. But really watching this movie again I feel like I am the little red hair girl and Josh is Charlie Brown. I have always say that I call him that because he is wishy washy like Charlie Brown but really it was more then that. I called him that because of everything the Little Red Hair girl describe Charlie Brown. Charlie would be one in a million. Not that many boys would be like him. He's kind and considerate and is always there for his friends. I hope Josh will talk to me someday. I love the Peanuts movie more then the specials because you get to learn more about Charlie Brown and you can see that his friends really do care about him even though they sometimes pick on him. Even Lucy cares. We know that Peppermint Paddy have a crushed on him and Marcy's crush isn't as obvious. The little red head girl also really liked Charlie Brown. I feel that maybe Lucy might have a crush on him too? She is often the meanest out of all of them by making him think this is the time he will kick that football but he end up falling on his back. I think she does have a crush on him and doesn't know how to show it. All girls like a sweetheart like Charlie Brown.   

There is also a series on Apple TV call Snoopy goes to the moon. It's a cute show that only is 10 minute episodes. It's about Snoopy's dream about going to the moon. 

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