Marvel Hero Project part 2 Happy Earth month

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Now I'm going to review the second half of the season of Marvel Hero Project where children does the inspirational. Tokata is Native American and she talk about self love and how beautiful being Indegenious is and how media betray them as being. 

She work on the save our water campaign and protect their land. She does stuff for Climate Change and for her people. She is another inspiration. 

These are 6 Misconceptions about Native American people. 

Izzy is another inspiration. She has a disability where her joints get tighten and she has to do physical therapy. There was a time when the doctors didn't think she could be able to walk but she did. 

Her best friend is Avery and she also have a disability. Izzy does Taekwondo and made it up to second degree black belt. She is very determine and always find a way to do the impossible. She proves that no matter your disability you can do whatever you want to do. You can also find her comic book on the Marvel Hero Project website. I did some martial arts myself. I did Karate when I was little and I did Kung-Fu from January of 7th grade to the end of 9th grade. I also had a day of doing Tai Chi with my martial arts school. Back in the Fall of last year at Kiva I was doing Qigong. That's Chinese yoga and there's Tai Chi moves in it too. I hope some day when I have my own children I could get them into martial arts too. 

I would like to do more Martial arts myself. My boyfriend Arturo knows a lot about Martial arts. He knows how to fight. 

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